Thursday, April 28, 2016

Unlucky Year

Each even year Zachary and I dread it. We have the worst of luck and feel like everyone wants our money but we don't even have enough money for ourselves. Is it possible to have every even year so unlucky? Usually we have a big event to look towards such as wedding or birth of a baby but Brooklyn came a couple months early and this year we have no major life changing event. Its kind of a weird trail to be walking for us.

Some of our bad luck so far has been my back/hip problems. I am dealing well with that and was swimming at the rec center which has helped me SO MUCH, and I plan to continue to start back up after our vacation. We also had smaller things just as being so busy and not having much time together, those bad days everyone has, stressed with work, money being short, pants ripping in the middle of a store (fingers pointing at me), smashing my wedding ring and finger in a bookshelf, my OCD acting up frustrating me (sorry kids and husband who get my wrath). It didn't end there though. I got a wonderful ingrown toenail which the doctor did NOTHING about (last time I go to that instacare, no one helps). I might have taken some muscle relaxers and dug that darn thing out myself. Yes it was nasty, yes it hurt and yes there was puss. Doctor said it would fix itself and it wasn't even that bad, LIAR why else would I go to the doctor to fork out money we don't have?!

Okay the real point of this post was to update on our van which was in a shop for about three weeks due to engine light being on. The transmission was basically rebuilt and about 3,000 later we are all up and running. Yes it is our BAD LUCK YEAR! I'm almost nervous to see how the remaining eight months go. We all need a vacation and good thing it is about here! So say and extra prayer our van makes it on our long drive and we can enjoy at least one week of 2016 haha.

I don't want to end on such a bummed out note though because I truly am blessed. How can I not be thankful for the life I have with these three miracles! Life is good, but VERY stressful!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Jake 2 Years 1 Month

Jake Oliver my crazy, overly excited, little boy. I love you so much! You stress me to my limits but also bring out the love so much in my that I can't help but squeeze you so hard with all the love I feel for you. Jake at 2 years 1 month...

1. Jake is starting to get a little more picky with his movies. Andie seems to trump him with movies the majority of the time and Jake just deals. Lately Jake has been very opinionated about which movies he wants to watch. Jake will say yes or no with movies until we get to the perfect one! The kids have learned they must take turns now when it comes to their shows!

2. Jake is okay when Dad and Mom leave. Jake was always our little shy boy and would work himself up if Mom and Dad would leave him with someone, anyone! Jake is finally to the stage as long as whoever is going to watch him has toys and a TV good bye parents he is in heaven.

3. Jake his getting such a better vocabulary. Jake is talking more and more and you can actually start understanding some of what he says. He definitely is having his vocabulary expand in leaps and bounds, by three little man will be a talking machine.

4. Jake is growing out of all his clothes. Pants are like capris and his shirts are more like belly shirts. We had to go through his clothes but he hates trying one piece of clothing after the next unable to just keep the clothes on and go bye. We found a shirt and pants that fit him perfectly and went from there just using them as measuring so we didn't have to stress Jake out to much! 2T clothes fit him so much better then 18 month clothes in pants and he still has some shirts that fit him in 18month and some in 2T.

5. Jake celebrated Easter and loved it! Jake was a little confused why we were searching for eggs and questioned it quite a bit but he eventually just went along with it because after all he had treats inside them.

6. Jake loves pushing the grocery cart around that we have. Jake will run around like a mad man racing with the shopping cart hitting whatever or whoever gets in his way. Jake can be a little dangerous!

7. Jake is a fan of the trampoline. Jake is loving the tramp that Grandpa and Grandma got, getting off and on is a breeze when we have attached a slide to climb up and down onto it from. Even more then the tramp Jake LOVES playing Basketball. Grandpa and Grandma have a basketball hoop and Jake is so proud of himself when he can slam-dunk that basketball (we lift him up). Jake just might be our little basketball man!

8. Jake is 63% overall for his height and weight. He is growing far to quickly and I'm still trying to accept that fact that he is two years old. We suspect Jake has ADHD but with him being so young not much can be done for it (not that I would medicate him anyways). Just know when I say my boy is crazy I literally mean MY BOY IS CRAZY (I would have it no other way!)!

Jake Oliver you bring some much joy to your home. You stress us to the max but you make us laugh even more. You are such a silly little boy and willing to please your baby sister and help out the best you can. You are so caring and loving! We love you Jake my boy, always and forever!

Brooklyn 5 Months

Brooklyn Riley my girl you are five months old. You will be half a year already in just a blink of an eye. I am having a hard time that you are growing up so quickly! Brooklyn at 5 months old...

1. Brooklyn had a bit of a runny nose. Brooklyn has been staying pretty healthy for being born in the winter time. I guess sickness can't stay away forever though and the runny nose arrived. Poor girl is handling it like a champ though!

2. Brooklyn is starting to roll and scoot around a bit more. Brooklyn still hates tummy time but we are working on that. She isn't quite sitting yet as it seems we have to have her wrapped up in a blanket a lot, one of the downfalls about not being able to control your temperature controls in your house. 

3. Brooklyn loves her Bumbo. Brooklyn first hated the Bumbo so much and would freeze up like a board and just scream while in it. Brooklyn has warmed up to this foreign object and now enjoys to sit in it quite a bit. She gets to watch and play with her siblings a bit more being in it then laying down on the ground being trampled. 

4. Brooklyn went in the stroller for the first time. We are starting to go on Sunday walks with the stroller and wagon to get a bit of outside time in on Sundays besides just going to church. Brooklyn enjoyed it and tried to stay awake the whole walk, she didn't want to miss anything!

5. Brooklyn had her first Easter. I know Brooklyn doesn't understand what holidays are yet but hey when the child is a baby the holidays are really for the parents anyways, right? Brooklyn got some new dresses and some onesies since she is growing up far to quickly on us. I even let Brooklyn suck on a peep for a second, shhhh.

6. Brooklyn is such a happy baby and loves to squeal. Brooklyn is constantly flailing her arms and legs around with a high pitched squeal coming from her, SO CUTE! I think this girl will be quite the talker.

7. Brooklyn is still enjoying her new bottles and eating 6oz every 3-4 hours. Brooklyn is transitioning into 3-6/6 month clothes and into size 2 diapers already. I am having a hard time that my baby girl is growing far to quickly. Brooklyn is 73% overall for her height and weight.

Brooklyn is growing so quickly and I am not ready for my baby to start being more dependent. Brooklyn is such a happy little baby and her smile is so contagious. Brooklyn has such a fun little personality forming and it is definitely her own not any of her siblings. Brooklyn Riley we love you so much and are so happy you have joined our family! We love you with open arms!

Andie 3 Years 10 Months

Andie Noelle is another month older and I am having a hard time accepting she is going to be four in just two months. Andie at 3 years 10 months...

1. Andie loves birthdays. We just celebrated Jake's birthday this past month and Andie is in a birthday frenzy. She will plan parties for her barbies, sing happy birthday to anyone who she thinks should have a birthday at this very second and plans her birthday with so many different ideas. I think we have ended with some sort of princess party!

2. Andie always has to pick her own clothes. Andie has always been independent but now when I offer to even help put a shoe on Andie will roll her eyes and say Mom I can do it! Maybe Andie can do it but maybe Mom isn't ready for Andie to not need my help!

3. Andie has been on a fairy obsession. Zarina from Tinkerbell is one of Andie's favorites. We got "The Pirate Fairy" movie from Netflix and it has turns into Andie's favorite. As soon as the movie ends she is asking to watch it again, so funny! With this fairy obsession comes making her own pixie dust, Jake and baby powder turned into the best alternatives to try it out!

4. Andie says the darnedest things and I really should record them all down. A few from this past month were : There is snakes in all garbage's so I can't throw anything in the garbage (good excuse honey), Jake is going to crack his head like Humpty Dumpty if he falls off the couch (yes he will), (there is a hose in the furnace room) I wish I was small...I have no emulate so I can't be small like Sophia (wow). I love all the funny things this girl says!

5. Andie loves to play with Daddy. Whenever Dad gets home for his lunch break or after work she is begging him to play fairies with him or chasing her around or dressing up. Dad is such a good sport and loves to hang with his little girl! Andie also enjoys playing with her Uncle Tyson and asks for him to come over everyday so that they can play. Play with this girl and you will be her best friend forever. Andie can't wait for Brooklyn to get older so that she has a little buddy always with her to play dolls with!

6. Andie loves the Trampoline. Grandpa and Grandma got a little trampoline and Andie loves to spend every waking moment that she can out jumping on it.

7. Andie got her first black eye. Just after Easter (which Andie loved and is totally obsessed with, she loves all holidays she gets a present from) Andie and Jake got water guns. The two started fighting and of course Jake took action of smacking her face with the gun while Mom was out swimming and they were being watched by their Uncles. A good shiner was bound to happen sometime!

8. Andie loves Jake's VTech car track. For Jake's birthday he got a couple of ramps for his VTech tracks he already has. Andie has been enjoying it probably more then Jake as she builds new puzzles everyday with the track. She then will load things onto the train with cargo to send back and forth on the track, so cute!

9. Andie loves Oreos. We got some oreos in the house and they didn't last long with this girl. That isn't such a bad thing except for the fact Andie will only eat the icing and leave the rest of the cookie on the ground (remember garbage has snacks in them). Jake isn't to impressed with the half eaten cookies with the icing off of them.

10. Andie is the 57% for her overall height and weight. She is growing up far to quickly! We had to go through her clothes and see which ones we need to get more of and pack away some winter clothes. Andie loves trying on her clothes and showing them off to whoever is around! Andie is such a girl and I would have it no other way, I love her!

Andie my girl you are a beautiful young women. You have so much joy that you spread to those around you. You have this contagious smile and laugh that just can't be denied. You are such a fun loving little girl with so much personality! You are so perfect in every way, I love you my princess!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

General Conference

I love General Conference, I don't know how many times I have said that and how many more times I will say that. This years April conference didn't disappoint. So many good quotes and impressions! The main thing I am going to be working on these next 6 months is going to the TEMPLE EACH MONTH AT LEAST! I need to make the temple a priority in my life! I love this gospel :)

Jordan is Home

My brother returned home from his mission on March 30th, it was a great reunion to see him once again! We missed the airport which hurt. Instead I took the kids to play at the dinosaur playground and we walked around the Disney store to cheer ourselves up. It was a day for the books! Welcome home Jordan, we missed you!

Pixie Dust & Black Eye

The Wadsworth home is never a dull moment. In just a matter of days we managed to have a pixie dust adventure with baby powder, Andie is a little fairy obsessed at this moment in time. We also managed to have a water gun fight that ended in Jake smacking Andie in the eye which resulted in a first black eye in our house. Oh the fun times of having children, I wouldn't trade this experience for anything!

Andie said Jakes hair looked like Grandpa Redds hair haha.

Andie wasn't to impressed that we were frustrated with her that she made such a mess.

Brooklyn just sat back and watched :)