Friday, February 9, 2018

Andie 5 Years 5 Months

Andie your closer to five and a half already then I like to admit. You have picked up on Kindergarten so quickly, you have this ability to catch onto anything being taught and how impressive that truly is. Andie Noelle at 5 years 5 months old...

1. Andie loves Cornbelly's. We were able to make a new Halloween tradition and Andie was in pure heaven. Cornbelly's was such a fun experience and Andie asked daily to go back, she says it is unfair that she has to wait a whole year before we can go once again. Andie's favorite at Cornbellys was the slide, kernel pit and the tire wheels you could walk in. Andie also was able to go in her first corn maze and she was ecstatic about that!

2. Andie celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving. Any holiday that the family gets together Andie loves because she gets to hang out with her cousins. Andie loves hanging out with Preslee or Nicholas the best but of course any new kids is amazing!

3. Andie has a best friend in Kindergarten. Andie has been bummed because her preschool best friend  Tofa was not in her class this year but she has finally made a new best friend. Her Kindergarten best friend is Mitzy. It is so cute that Andie is able to spread her wings with her classmates and is able to have a new best friend no matter what she is thrown into, she is my social butterfly.

4. Andie got a bunkbed. We had been talking about forever to get bunkbeds and Andie thought the idea was great that she cold pick our her own bedding for her top bunk bed. Andie enjoyed it for the first week but then occasionally will state she hates how no one can lay next to her anymore. Andie still loves the bunkbeds so much but she says next time we need to get bigger ones haha.

5. Andies favorite church song is "I love to see the temple". Andie surprises me with how many songs she knows word for word and as she is going to Primary class the church songs she is learning is astounding. I love my princess!

6. Andie was Ariel for Halloween. Andie loves Halloween and this year she was so excited to be Ariel, her childhood fave. Andie loves going door to door and saying trick or treat and even more then ever she loved teaching her brother and sister the ways. Andie made the cutest Ariel!

7. Andie had a dentist appointment. Andie had her 6 month follow up from her surgery to fix her teeth up with the cavities and the hole in her tooth. She did amazing with the checkup and showing Jake how the dentist was done. Andie came out with being cavity free, I am so proud of my little girl!

8. Andie carved pumpkins for the 1st time. Andie didn't know carving was a thing since we always just write on our pumpkins with markers until going to school. Andie begged if we could just carve this year so we gave in. Andie loved every moment of it and designed and cut her own pumpkin, she even gutted it. Andie did fantastic!

9. Andie celebrated her first pajama day. Andie was so excited to wear pajamas to school and since we had gone through her clothes and got ones that actually fit her she even had brand new clothes to wear and she was thrilled. Andie also made Halloween cookies and some to take to her teacher too and even to Daddy's work. Halloween celebrations are the best!

Andie Noelle you bring so much joy to all the celebrations we do. You my girl love to party and celebrate anything and everything that could possibly be celebrated. Andie you have an amazing fun personality and I hope you never let anyone make you someone who you are not because you really are perfect just the way you are, always remember that! I love you, always and forever!

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