Brooklyn my baby girl you are another month older and closer to two. You are not my little baby anymore and it brings such sadness watching you grow into this beautiful little girl but also so much joy. You are growing up to be such a beautiful fun spirited little girl, I love you so much! Brooklyn at one year eight months...
1. Brooklyn loves to dress up. Brooklyn has discovered that she can wear all these princess dresses of her sisters and they are oh so cute on her. Andie will dress up with Brooklyn and the look that Brooklyn gives up at her every single time is with such love. Brooklyn has the biggest loving heart.
2. Brooklyn is to smart for her own good. Brooklyn has always watched her siblings and has been able to catch on to all things so quickly. Brooklyn is a little smarty too. For some reason like any little kid Brooklyn loves to play in the toilet and so the bathroom door is always locked. Sometimes she gets smart ideas to stick pens in the doorknob in hopes that it will open up. Crazy girl!
3. Brooklyn got her first official sunburn. Brooklyn was outside with Daddy coloring with chalk for maybe an hour, I don't even think it was that long. When the kids came inside Mom got them out of the dirty clothes and into the tub. This is when I noticed poor Brooklyn's back and shoulders. The burn after the bath was taken care of with some Aloe Gel and didn't peel or anything, thank goodness.
4. Brooklyn loves to sing. Brooklyn is always singing songs if at church or watching any movies. Let it go from Frozen is of course an all time favorite. Nursery rhythms and any other song that comes on Brooklyn will try and sing word for word and it is the cutest thing.
5. Brooklyn is my little laundry helper. Brooklyn has always loved to help Mom and Dad wherever she possibly could so when it comes to doing laundry Brooklyn loves it. Of course when helping Mom it means throwing clothes in the washing machine or the dryer. When she helps Daddy she hands over the hangers so we can hang them up. Brooklyn is the perfect helper!
6. Brooklyn loves her blankets. Brooklyn loves to carry around a blanket with her just in case she decides to crash anywhere and everywhere. Brooklyn is constantly wanting us to tie the blankets around her as a cape too and its the cutest thing as she walks around with her big long blankets dragging behind her.
7. Brooklyn is interested in the potty. Brooklyn watched as we tried to train Jake with the potty before going to see Cars 3. Brooklyn grew an interest in wanting to use the bathroom too so maybe potty training her won't be so far off in the future. After all Brooklyn is such a fast learning she would probably grasp the idea of it so quickly.
8. Brooklyn has started to notice if she is left out. Brooklyn is to that age that if she is left at home while the sibling go on a ride, or if some of the kids get a little treat/toy and she doesn't then it affects her. It's amazing to see how early on this sticks into a child and I never want my little girl to feel that she is less then her siblings, because that is not true.
Brooklyn Riley you are the joy of this family. You make us all laugh and smile with your contagious fun personality. You have a love for each of the family members and such a willingness to help out when possible. I love you so much and you just need to stop growing up so quickly on your Momma. You my beautiful girl have such a life ahead of you, I love you so.
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