Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Andie 5 Years 1 Month

Andie Noelle you are already a month into your sixth year of life and honestly in three more life times you will be out on your own, if not before that, and I don't know how I feel about that. Each year, each month and even each and every day with you is such a blessing. I love you so much my princess. Andie at 5 years 1 month...

1. Andie loves dressing up. Andie has been into her dressing up costumes this past month. She is so creative with her imagination play and it is the cutest thing to watch her form into character as who she is dressed up as. I think one of her favorites is to be Doc McStuffin. Andie would love to be a doctor when she is older and how neat it would be if she was in the medical field just like her Mommy and Daddy have been.

2. Andie is art obsessed. Andie started watching on YouTube different videos about how to draw Disney characters. She is actually getting pretty good at coloring all the princesses, Belle to Snow White, Ariel to Poppy and Branch. I love that she has this deep desire to create as much art as she can. Andie is a girl after he own Mommy's heart.

3. Andie celebrated Canada Day. We don't do much to celebrate the holidays lately as Mom has been in a funk the last year and a half or so but Andie did wear Mom's Canada shirt. Andie is one that loves any holiday or reason to celebrate in anyway. Canada Day will always be remembered in this house, represent!

4. Andie is still scared of fireworks. Andie tried to be so brave this year and say she wanted to go to a fireworks show. She watched videos of fireworks on YouTube to prep herself. Andie was so brave and very prepared until the day of....then Andie remembered how loud these fireworks really are and so we watched them inside again from the living room window. Maybe next year. I understand Andie has a fear to loud noises and that is okay I will not force my princess to do anything. I love you!

5. Andie is a good caregiver. Andie was so good to tend to Mom and make sure the siblings were careful not to touch Moms wrist after her surgery. Andie made sure she was able to get ice, medicine or pillows for Mom. Andie is the perfect little caregiver just as mentioned in the first bullet. Future medical career is set ahead in her future.

6. Andie tries to speak Spanish. Andie has so many friends that go to her school that all speak Spanish. Andie has picked up this desire to speak the Spanish language and is constantly trying to speak it for herself. Most of what Andie is speaking is just gibberish but it is the cutest gibber jabber around.

7. Andie is growing so quickly. Andie is very independent with picking her outfit daily and wanting to change it 20 times each day. Skirts are her favorite and she would wear them daily if we let her. Andie picks how to do her hair, if its up or down, if its like Snow White or Rapunzel. Andie is 70% for her height and also 60% for her weight. Andie is perfectly healthy and even got her Kindergarten shots all underway.

Andie you my princess are perfect in every way. You still have a love for life and learning everything you possibly could. Andie you teach me how to grasp for the knowledge to learn something new each day and to really live life to the fullest. You love to smile and make jokes with all you know to make sure everyone is cared for and loved. You have a heart of gold and I hope one day I can be as joyous as you. I love you Andie, always and forever!

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