Thursday, September 28, 2017

Jake 3 Years 4 Months

Jake is another month older and well on his way to being almost three and a half years old. Each month this kid gets even more funny and of course is it possible to be more McQueen obsessed. I love watching this boy grow. Jake at 3 years 4 months old...

1. Jake thinks McDonald's is life. I remember as a kid loving Burger King because that is where my parents took us to play on a playground. Jake's playground sanctuary is McDonald's. It's quite funny that whenever we are driving around and he sees a McDonald's or a playground he has to freak out with excitement and say we have to go because it will be so fun. I love my McDonald's loving little man.

2. Jake failed his potty training. Jake did amazing with his potty training until after he saw Cars 3, of course then the smart kid regressed and now doesn't even want to go near the bathroom. It got to the point we had to place him back in diapers. I am coming to the conclusion maybe he will never get potty trained, okay maybe that isn't right but some days it feels that way. We will give Jake a rest (and Mom and Dad mainly) then try again with maybe another bribe idea?

3. Jake never eats. I don't know how Jake ever survives because this little boy never eats anything besides his juice in his cups. Jake doesn't ever say he is hungry and when he does what he really means is that he needs more juice, I don't know what I am going to do with this boy. I wish I could just survive on juice haha.

4. Jake loves the gummy bear song. As you know Jake's favorite thing to do on his IPad is to watch little videos on YouTube. One of Jake's newest discovery on the kids YouTube is the gummy bear song. If you don't know what this is just look it up and you will find the amazing (annoying) ness that is this song of Jake's favorite thing to watch and sing. Jake even wants a gummy bear birthday when he turns four.

5. Jake loves Cars 3. Jake went and watched the new McQueen (as he calls it) and loved it. He wasn't really impressed that Cruz won McQueen but he doesn't understand the full story. He still stated that Cruz was pretty cool too but McQueen is still his all time favorite of course. I don't think anything will ever beat his McQueen loving little heart and I can't wait for Cars 3 to come out for release already so we can watch it on repeat for a whole month :)

6. Jake is such a funny kid. Jake says the darnedest things all the time and I really should remember all of these things and write them down but of course my Mom brain kicks in and I don't do it. I always have such good intentions! Jake is so funny though and he knows he is funny and will do anything to get a laugh out of someone, I have a class clown on my hands. Only the cutest class clown ever.

7. Jake loves water play. Jake loves playing outside of course but add in some sprinklers and this kid probably has never seen a better time in his whole life. Jake has loved the extra water play outside this summer and it's only just the beginning.

Jake Oliver is the cutest little boy that I love calling my own. He really know how to lighten the mood when anyone isn't feeling themselves and he has such a contagious laugh and smile. Jake my boy you are so loved. You truly are my world and I love every bit of you!

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