Saturday, May 12, 2018

BYU Women's Conference

Apparently there is a well known Conference that goes on in May and I am clueless. I have heard, I think it was last year, my Mom going to it but I haven't heard much beyond that. Well this year my Mom decided to see if I wanted to tag along so of course I said yes. It was such an interesting eye opening experience to be able to hear hours worth of talks about the gospel, bettering our lives and just that we are all doing the best we can in this life. I took pages worth of notes and have a new look at some points in my life that I continue to try and improve. What can I say I guess this came at the best time in my life, I needed a care free couple of days.

Kevin J. Worthen - The Lord is hastening the work, it will be worth it. Read the scriptures as see how many times it states ministering or serving others. This is why it is so important in these last days to minister to others, unite and be one.

Lauren A. Barnes - Christ has never forced his children, we have agency to choose. We are only responsible for what we can control. Successful people will repent, get back on their feet and continue moving forward in faith. Let people serve you, even the Savior let others wash his feet. Talk about and normalize emotions, when apologizing teach kids to ask/say "what can I do to help" after. Even though we may sometimes give up on ourselves, the Savior never gives up on us.

Randy Boothe - Procrastination leads to the loss of exaltation. Write your thoughts and record your feelings after your prayers, timely action will be given. Embrace the joy the gospel gives/brings. D = daily feast, O = obediently pray with real intent, I = intently listen, T = timely action.

Rebekah Dieter - Christ should be included in all your decisions and adventures in your family, just as a parent wants to join us in each step of our lives. There is no perfect way of motherhood but thank the Lord for allowing you this journey. Let go of the hard and embrace the good!

Kara Murri - The Lord likes effort, then he will bless us. We must quickly follow the spirit, when heard STOP & GO no waiting! He see's the foundation you are trying to lay and he will guide you.

Liz Casperson - You may feel like your not accomplishing to teach the kids anything, but you are! Pray to Heavenly Father to know each child individually.

Susan H. Christensen - Be strong, to raise strong! We need to wait for our children to bloom, when the student is easy the teacher will come.

Sharon Eubank & Reyna I. Aburto - What matters most is our faith in Christ. Offering comfort is one of the best Christlike attributes we can share. Tell the Lord you did the best you could, that is all the Lord asks of you. Doing better doesn't mean doing more! When we lose someone we want them back, this is how Heavenly Father feels about us. He knows the desire of our hearts!

The service project we assisted with was making food noodle packets. My Mom and I were able to weigh the noodles on scales and make sure they were the exact amount between 175-179, fun stuff. We had a little scoop we added more noodles or took out noodles as needed. After the service project we went to an entertainment night full of some great music. It was good to spend this time with my Mom, that never happens.

Jennifer Brinkerhoff Platt - Christ makes the ordinary perfected! What two things do you consistently do daily, is this worth your time and efforts in Heavenly Fathers eyes? We are devine, he needs us to know it and believe it. Doctrine = Why, Principles = What, Application = How. Is there any behavior we need to change to love truly how Christ loves?

Faith Cooper - When we are empty and have nothing left to give, go to the Lord and he will fill your bucket so that it can overflow to others. It is not goo to go back and open up and old wound when Christ himself died for that repentance. The Lords way isn't hard, life is hard.

Anna King - It takes to courage to let your husband know you have been hurt, communication is key to a blessed marriage. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong but rather the opportunity to create stronger relationships.

Kathryn Sorensen Olsen - Strong people don't put others down, especially to those in our home. Family members shouldn't feel they are in the shadow of someone but rather in the light. If the world is to know love, it must start at home. Look for more ways to show compassion in your families, your family deserves your love and service more then anybody else.

Ann Parkin - Organize yourselves and prepare every needful thing. Our very first family council was the great council in Heaven. If all you can accomplish is gathering your families then do it! Keep working on your families, small and simple things. What is the bigger picture in our family we want to accomplish?

Kiersten Blanchard & Pat Bradley - If our children know truth they can recognize error. Like a puzzle we build the edges first: basics of the gospel (prayer, scripture, church, etc) and our childhood. We must then fill in the puzzle and each important change in our lives is a piece. What are we filling our puzzle with? Just as the prophet is urging the advancement in the gospel, Satan is doing the same, we must stay strong to the truth. Do not let your children wonder what you believe. Nothing opens the heavens more than complete exactness.

Gerrit W. Gong & Susan Lindsay Gong - There is hope in just being known, Jesus knows every heart.  Marriage is a blessing to experience in livest hardest ups and downs. He will strengthen us all in his time, his way and in his will.

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