Monday, May 14, 2018

Andie 5 Years 11 Months

Andie, my big girl, you are going to be six years old in just another short month. How is it possible that you are growing so quickly? Princess you have a love for life and I am so glad that I get to spend every moment of your life with you. Andie at 5 years 11 months...

1. Andie loves Descendants. Andie has discovered Descendants and has watched the movie 1 & 2 multiple times, in fact she even had us look up when the 3rd movie was going to be coming out. Next summer, woot woot! Mal and Evie are her obsession and now she wants everything to do with getting purple hair so that she can be like Mal, it's the cutest thing ever. Can you guess her birthday theme this year?

2. Andie got a gold iPad. Why yes we do spoil our kids with technology to keep them entertained and to have learning online right at their fingertips. When you come from a family with both parents being movie-a-holics then of course technology is a must. Andie loves being able to have her own iPad with her own learning games and access to drawing how to videos.

3. Andie went to the dentist. Andie went to the dentist and did amazing showing her brother and sister how it is done. Andie has basically zero fear when it comes to the dentist but she also has her Mothers horrible genetics so of course she had a tiny cavity that we will have to fill. This time around Andie won't be put to sleep but rather have laughing gas so hopefully she does well on that in the next month.

4. Andie loves playing Disney Jr. games. Andie before her iPad days would use Moms computer when allowed to play Disney Jr. and loved the games. Descendants was a popular search but otherwise it would be any of the coloring games, creative imagination girly of mine.

5. Andie went and played at a friends house. Do you know how much anxiety this gave me, or even still gives me? Andie has a best friend Selena who lives across the street. They are in different Kindergarten classes at school but see each other at recess. Now that it is getting warmer outside we are discovering more outside play with brings to learning how to ride a bike and of course playing with said friend. Andie is finally understanding how to ride a bike, maybe I should of worked on this skill earlier but it is one of the downfalls of living on the 3rd floor of apartments or basements all your life thus far.

6. Andie is still swimming. Andie passed her Seahorse class and has advanced onto the Blowfish level. The Blowfish level is all in the deep end of the pool so if that doesn't put Mom in to anxiety mode the whole lesson I don't know what else will haha. Andie is doing pretty good so far and actually loving going in the deep end of the pool, she is a little too brave if you ask me haha.

7. Andie is funny. Every month I always say I need to better document what the kids say but each month I don't remember a lot haha. I do remember one thing which was hilarious and it going to be a great story from years to come. Andie asked Mom if I wanted to see her I was a bit shocked at that statement. Andie then continues to open her mouth wide and show me her uvula. So apparently uvulas are a penis, who knew? HAHAHA. I love you my silly girl.

8. Andie went on her first field trip. The Kindergarten class went on a field trip to the Aquarium. Andie loved being able to go with her class even if she wasn't in a group with her best of friends but she did get Mom to come along with her and be her chaperone. It was so much fun to spend that time with my girl! Andie got to touch a snake during a presentation at the Aquarium too and loved every moment of it.

9. Andie has a pretend name. Whenever Andie is playing a pretend name role with her siblings or barbies or whatever, she pretends her name is Holly. I don't know where the name Holly came from but she asks to be Holly quite often these days.

10. Andie pet some animals. Andie was so determined to touch some animals when we went to Wheeler Farm and the main one was the horse. Andie loved that she was able to pet a horse, goat & sheep. It's fun watching my kids explore these opportunities that for me when I was younger living in the country was a daily occurrence when I went to my friends houses.

Andie Noelle you my girl are growing up far to quickly. You have taught me so much in your 6 years of life and watching you learn and grow each and everyday is such a blessing to me. I love you my princess and I hope you never ever forget how much you mean to me. I love you!

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