Friday, April 6, 2018

Brooklyn 2 Years 3 Months

Brooklyn Riley my baby girl your growing far to quickly. You my princess are the best thing that has happened to our family. You have a personality that you get along with anyone whether it is building Lego and playing cars with Jake or even coloring to your hearts content or playing barbies with Andie. Brooklyn is our perfect little happy medium little girl and we love you. Brooklyn at 2 years 3 months old...

1. Brooklyn thinks that slippers are the best thing ever. Brooklyn is our little winter baby who loves to stay warm at all times. I have mentioned before that sweaters and leggings are Brooklyn's favorite but I don't know if I have mentioned her slippers. Brooklyn always chooses to wear her slippers if she has a choice even to church. She is in nursery so I let it pass haha.

2. Brooklyn loves swimming. Brooklyn has always been a little bit hesitant since it comes to water, she is usually clinging to Mom and very rarely she will cling to Daddy. Brooklyn has been this way since she was a baby. Now that we are going swimming more often this little girl has warmed up and actually becoming quite independent. Brooklyn likes to wear life jackets and tried to go off on her own into the deep waters and yes this girl gives me so many heart attacks because of her independence.

3. Brooklyn is picky with her clothes. Brooklyn has always been our little fashionista and loves picking out her won clothes. Each and everyday Brooklyn will take time picking out her perfect outfit and flowers in her hair to match. I love how my girl is so girly!

4. Brooklyn is very independent. Brooklyn's favorite thing to say is, "I do it". It's no hidden secret that my girl is very independent and always has been. Brooklyn is literally 2 going on 15. Everything that has been shown to Brooklyn once she HAS to do it on her own the next go around. This is such a hard thing for me because I am such a paranoid protective mother so Brooklyn's independence is probably one of my biggest trials. I love you girl!

5. Brooklyn went sledding. Brooklyn had the time of her life playing in the snow with the family. We all went sledding and of course can you guess who wanted to go down the hill on her own? Brooklyn my little independent princess always wanted to go down by herself and loves the flying bumps at the end. Snow is the best thing ever and experiencing it for the first time I think this girl was in snow eating, playing heaven.

6. Brooklyn is my little cook. Brooklyn loves to play in the playhouse with the fake food. Brooklyn will take request from her family members and then go to the playhouse and start cooking away to then bring us our food. Brooklyn is the best little mommy ever! I need to get some food that Brooklyn can actually cut up I think that would make this girl in heaven.

7. Brooklyn sleeps in the most random places. Since we have cut out naps Brooklyn goes through stages of all of the sudden being to tired and giving herself a nap. Lately poor girl has been falling asleep wherever she might be playing. I have caught her asleep in the playhouse, half way off a couch or chair, in the hallway or random peoples beds. I love my very tired cute girl!

8. Brooklyn is popcorn obsessed. Brooklyn loves being able to sit up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and a good movie. I think this little girl must be related to her movie loving parents haha. Brooklyn when asked what to eat, for any meal, always will excitedly state POPCORN!

My girl you are such a joy to be around. Your Dad and I just stare at you realizing what a miracle you are to us! Whenever I look at your perfect little cute face I can't help but smile because your just so dang adorable. Your stinking little smile and your precious little laugh. I love you so much baby girl, so much!

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