Thursday, April 12, 2018

Fun Family Day

One Friday after picking up Andie from school we decided to have a fun family day. While we waited for school to get out we played on all the playgrounds at the school. Did you know that Andie's elementary school has 5 playgrounds, what? Jake and Brooklyn had the time of their life.

Once we had Andie we knew we had to register the van as it was overdue by like a month. Thank goodness we got it to pass, I don't know why I always worry about that. I guess the past haunts me haha. After we decided we needed some food in our bellies so we went over the the Paradise Buffet. It was delicious.

After eating up all we could manage haha we decided to make good use of our aquarium passes and headed over for the kids to play on there playground. I love that playground as they have couches for the parents and you can watch the whole playground from one spot. Yes I am a paranoid mother and need to keep eyes on my kids constantly.

I promised the kids we could go to a pet store and see some animals. PetSmart is the best place to go when you want a quick look at animals but you don't have to actually get to close to them, allergy problems. The kids thought they were in heaven! Jake loved playing with the dogs as they would chase through the glass, Andie loved the cats as there was one that would rub against the glass every time she placed her hand to it, Brooklyn loved all the animals of course that was no surprise as she is our animal lover. Also side note we are all babies when it comes to animals and are afraid of them so only Zach has enough courage to face them without glass around them, oops!

We of course had one last stop and the dollar store is a family favorite. Why yes I shall buy something for all the kids because 3 dollars I can handle haha. Dollar stores are the best thing! We had such a fun day and I am so glad we were able to spend this time with the kids.

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