Saturday, April 7, 2018

Jake 3 Years 11 Months

Jake Oliver, my boy, your so close to four years old ahhhh. Yes this makes me so scared and worried because of the fact that you have so much potential in life and I just want you to stay my little baby boy forever, why do you have to go growing up on me? Jake at 3 years 11 months...

1. Jake loves building forts. Jake is always trying to build forts on the couch with blankets and toy piles everywhere. The thing about making forts when I was a kid was we always could use the couch cushions but now they don't have couches where the cushions come off (that we own at least) so you have to get so creative and Jake has that creative mind to be able to build something amazing from nothing. I love you my boy and your building loving self!

2. Jake loves swimming. Jake has always been my water loving baby and from the moment he touched the liquid gold he has wanted to play in it ever since. Jake isn't scared to take off by himself in the water and thinks he could swim away with no help. It scares me so much but luckily life jackets can give me a little some sort of comfort but of course not much, I see swimming lessons in Jake's future.

3. Jake loved sledding. We all went sledding for the first time and Jake loved the thrill from it, how could you not with that much energy running through your veins? Jake could of stayed in the snow making trials, sledding down and climbing up those hills. You ask about the cold since my boy is always so cold? Well Jake managed through the cold and never wanted to stop the thrilling snow adventure, that's my boy!

4. Jake got a 24hr stomach bug. Its always the worst watching your kids struggle with sicknesses and boy did I feel bad for my little Jake. Jake had a nasty 24hr bug that caused him to puke multiple times and he hated life at that moment, that poor kid! Jake I am so glad that miserableness only lasted 24 hours, I love you my boy.

5. Jake has the biggest heart. Jake sent off his first Uncle who is out serving a mission and everyday Jake is so scared that Nathan is going to be lost and not be able to come home. I keep telling Jake Nathan isn't lost he is just serving for 2 years so he will be gone until he is almost 6 (WOW). Jake honestly has the biggest softest heart and most people can't see that beyond is crazy hyperactive personality. Jake is my one who is always telling me, "I love you" and giving big hugs. I honestly am so blessed to be able to call this amazing boy mine forever!

6. Jake broke his iPad. Yes I am one that give my kids iPads because we are a movie loving family. I also see the benefits in having access to all these learning games and activities right at their fingertips. My kids don't sit around all day long everyday and don't not run around I mean have you met my son, he is the crazy running boy? Jake decided that he would put water all over the cupboards which of course where do you think his iPad was? On the cupboard. Yes he fried his iPad and it was sad because with his ADHD it is the only thing that can keep him calm for 5 minutes at a time. Jake learned the hard way that water and electronics don't mix and to make it even better the girls iPad is fried too ahhh. I think this is a bigger punishment on Mom rather then Jake though haha parenthood.

7. Jake tries to whistle. Jake has the cutest whistle and he does it quite often but it isn't your normal whistle that you think of. Jake just makes the sounds like a whistle and its the most amazing thing ever! I will have to make sure I have this on video. Jake will say, "Wooawoo" really loud haha its the best.

8. Jake is officially potty trained. We have tried potty training this kid multiple times and Jake hates being forced to do something for too long because he grows bored with it. Jake just was not interested in the idea of having to use the bathroom on his own but after lots of bribing with hot wheels cars and candy we finally got the training down. Jake I am so proud of you for getting through this very frustrating time for you. I know it isn't easy on you at times as you struggle to focus on one thing for too long but you did it Jake, YOU DID IT!

9. Jake Happy Valentines Day! Jake loves celebrating any holiday because things are so new and exciting. We made cookies and Jake of course loves rubbing the icing on his hands and throwing cookie dough around, life with boys (I would not change a thing about Jake's activeness). Dad and Mom this year got Jake and teddy bear because he likes watching Mr. Bean. Mr. Bean has a teddy bear and I think I underestimated how much Jake truly LOVES this bear and its the cutest thing as he hugs that bear. Every night this is the bear Jake chooses to sleep with now.

Jake you are the best thing that has happened to your Mom and Dad. I love how sweet of a heart you have. You love more then anyone I know. You really do have a heart of gold and I hope you realize how the good you can do for people! You my boy are here at this time to do such great things in our world and I am so excited that I get to watch you grow and love you through it all :)

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