Thursday, April 12, 2018

Andie 5 Years 9 Months

Andie, my girl, your another month older and I am sure wiser too because my goodness is your mind growing in leaps and bounds in Kindergarten. You were laughing the other day as you stated your basically the only 5 year old in Kindergarten as all your friends are 6 already, you will get there but my goodness don't grow up so fast haha. I love you my princess. Andie at 5 years 9 months old...

1. Andie is arcade obsessed. We have gone to the nickelcade and boondocks recently and Andie is so amazing at the games. Andie's favorite game is usually the ones I have avoided my whole life, the crane games. Andie you have been so good at the crane games for as long as I can remember, since your very first attempt. Andie also loved the boondocks swing. It's the ones with the circle on a rope you can jump on and swing. Andie was hesitant at first just because you didn't know how to use it but once shown you just have a natural talent for all things you try. Never stop trying new things!

2. Andie celebrated Valentines Day. Andie loved making sugar cookies and decorating them. Andie loved making valentines for all of her Kindergarten class making special ones for her best friends who are still Mitzy and Aritzi plus this new kid named Logan. Andie was hesitant about our Valentines tradition from Mom and Dad and didn't want another stuffed animal but she loved her giraffe known the less. We got these tattoos for Valentines Day that you can build your own person by picking their head, body and feet. Andie loved designing her people.

3. Andie wants curly hair. Andie has requested braid constantly this month as she is obsessed with curly hair. Andie wishes daily she could have Moms hair but what she doesn't know is that Mom wishes daily that I could have Andie's hair. I think your beautiful my girl and your hair is perfect the way it is.

4. Andie discovered Green Eggs & Ham. Andie loves that she is able to read some small words now and each day of Kindergarten she is learning more and more sight words. Andie has discovered that she can read Green Eggs & Ham all on her own. I am so proud of my girl and will need to catch it on video of her reading this book. We got it from the library and kept it for as long as possible but we eventually had to buy our own family copy so we could return the library book haha.

5. Andie is still doing swimming lessons. Andie has been loving the swimming lessons and has even wanted to switch to 3 days a week instead of just twice. Andie passed the first level Starfish and has moved onto the second level of Seahorse. Andie is getting really good at her swimming strokes and also her floating on back or stomach. One day in swim lessons they went down the big slide and on the last turn of the waterslide hit her head and flipped over so when she came out, Andie you held it together so well but your mother could tell you weren't yourself. Andie your head was white and you had a look of shock on your face. Your poor head ended up with a goose egg but it got better, now we just have to work on your fear of waterslides that this has created but we can wait a few years, your young. I can't believe how amazing my little swimmer is and soon enough she will better then me, even though that ain't hard to beat since doggy paddling is my go to swim.

6. Andie is doing great at Kindergarten. Andie loves being able to do all the activities in school that are available and now that Moms work schedule is changed I was able to make the first Donut and Parent Reading event. Andie was in heaven! Andie is doing fantastic and getting mostly all 5's on her report card which is as good as they come, wow my little girl is so smart!

7. Andie likes painting. Andie is my creative little genius and has discovered how fun painting pictures is. I love how Andie has such an imagination and it comes to life when she puts the pen to paper, or in this case paint. I love that my girls are artists!

8. Andie says some funny things. I really need to do better at documenting them all. One of the things I do remember from this past month that Andie stated was in a prayer she was saying one night after Valentines Day. Andie stated, "Please bless that I can eat all my candy, even the ones under my bed." I had to hold that laugh is for some time until the prayer was over. Oh my girl you have a heart of gold.

9. Andie has a favorite lunch. Everyday when coming home from school Andie makes herself a cheese tortilla in the microwave and then gets some fruits and vegetables. Andie's favorites are definitely strawberries, grapes and sugar snap peas. My girl is turning into quite the little cook.

Andie Noelle you have a love for life. You have a love for learning, exploring and trying new things. Andie you are going to do so many great things in this life and I can't wait to watch and be right along your side as you experience each and every stage. I love you my princess, always and forever!

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