The time has arrived, I have a child that is school aged, HOW?! Andie has been SO EXCITED to start preschool when we told her this year was her time. We had some problems while signing her up with having a delayed rent contract without our current address and our landlady was out of town for a month. She got back and we got everything situated quite quickly though and before we knew it Andie was accepted!
We waited to hear on when Andie would be starting school, teachers name and just what would be happening. I am such a planner so this was quite difficult for me to sit week after week and not knowing what was going to be happening in a week. The day of Andie's assessment at the school there was a gas leak and the whole day went CRAZY from there. Needless to say why did there have to be a gas leak on the one day I NEEDED to plan my life haha. Andie was pretty upset we weren't meeting her teacher but told her the next day we would try again.
Sure enough the next day we heard from Andie's teacher, Maxine & Angela, and went in for the assessment. Zach and I sat with Maxine while Andie went off to do some tests with Angela. I left the classroom feeling much better and of course rushed home to place things in the calendar (organizing it's an obsession okay). Starting Monday August 29th we would take Andie to open house to get comfortable in the classroom.
At the open house we were one of the firsts to arrive and one of the lasts to leave. Andie couldn't get enough of the different centers in her classroom and was having so much fun with Mom and Dad as we got her comfortable with the area. I don't think that Andie will have a problem tomorrow on her first official day of preschool.
After the open house we wanted to celebrate a little bit more with Andie so we did something out of the ordinary and went over to IHOP for breakfast. Andie stated she wasn't hungry but after picking her smile pancake she quickly changed her mind and easily ate just over half of it. It was such a good time to be able to have one on one with our oldest daughter we are so very proud of. After IHOP we of course rushed home and I was off for work the rest of the day.
The next day was Andie's official first day of preschool. I of course had horrible dreams the night before of all the different things that could happen on the first day of school (imagine fear from Inside out). I worked a small short shift so that I could take Andie to and from school on her very first day. We got to the school ten minutes early and Andie couldn't even hold her excitement in. Of course there was other kids crying, some screaming, some nervous and some excited just like Andie. It was kind of fun to see the different personalities of all her new little friends. Andie quickly ran in the classroom and sat on the rug so excitedly and said bye MOM, bye DAD. She was ready to learn!
Jake was pretty upset that he couldn't stay with his sister at school because of course it was a family event to drop Andie off for her first day. Jake screamed all the way to the car, all the way home, all the way into the house AND finally calmed down when I laid down with him in bed and started to talk to him and explain that we weren't leaving Andie she was just going to school because now she is getting big and one day when your a little bigger you can go too. I think Jake made it easier on Mom to leave Andie for the day because I had to take care of a little distraught little boy.
Pick up time came around and only Mom came to get Andie. I of course was one of the first parents to show up I think I was just as excited as Andie was haha. Once I signed Andie out of school I couldn't wait to hear ALL about it. Mom "Andie how was school", Andie just shrugs shoulders. NOOOOOOO. I now understand how my Mom felt when she would ask how school was and I would just shrug my shoulders. I want to hear every detail little girl!
I finally got a few answers out of Andie. She loved playing on the playground and singing songs. Counting to five and singing EVEN MORE SONGS. She wasn't a fan of boys who knocked over her Lego towers and she loved her teachers. Throughout the rest of the week we had to push to get answers out of her on how school went but over all she enjoyed school and was ready for a weekend break.
Andie loves school and can't wait to go back come Tuesday morning! I am so happy that we can get into our new normal routine. Life is such a crazy, fast, never ending roller coaster!