Sunday, September 4, 2016

FHE: Priesthood Blessings

Family Home Evening this week was about priesthood blessings. It has always been a tradition for my family and I am sure many others too, that when it comes to getting a fathers blessing you do them right before a new school year. I thought it would be such a great idea to carry on the tradition.

We started by singing, "The Priesthood is Restored".

We then watched a little video about how the priesthood powers can work in many different situations. Explaining how they can be powers from Jesus. Sometimes explaining things to little 2 and 4 year olds is hard but its cute when they catch on to certain things.

Daddy then gave each of the kids a priesthood blessing as we explained what Daddy says will be what Jesus wants them to hear at this time. It was such a sweet experience to watch Andie receive her first school Daddy blessing.

We ended by singing, "Joseph Smith's First Prayer". We seem to have ice cream a lot of treats in our house but can you blame us, ice cream is deliciousness to your mouth.

1 comment:

  1. That first photo of your kids... oh my gosh, i'm dying!!! SO cute!!
