Sunday, November 6, 2016

FHE: Families are Important

We started out by singing, "The Family is of God".

We showed one of our family pictures and asked what this was? Of course we got the answer of Mom, Dad, Andie, Jake & Brooklyn.  Then we asked what we are all together, FAMILY was the unanimous answer. We then continued to tell the kiddos that Heavenly Father wanted us to come down to earth to be in families. We explained how families are so important and how we care and love our families.

We watched a video, "Families can be Together Forever".

We then went on to color this family picture and ended by singing, "If I listen with my Heart".


After my last temple experience I was in need of a new one to improve my mood some, plus Zachary and I had some questions to get answered. I think it did just that with our temple trip. New plans are laid out and it always feels amazing to have your goals set out so we can see some sort of light at the end of the tunnel. Life is hard but going through life with each other with our amazing kiddos makes living completely worth it.

Sometimes we go through hard times thinking our life is just a horrible wreck and no one cares but if we just clear our heads and really focus on what we want our life to mean we realize how truly blessed we are. Yes I don't have a house, a career, money, the best fashion or a great figure BUT all those things are just worldly anyways and why do we want to have our lives revolve around worldly standards when in reality they don't make anyone happy long term.

So here is a refocused me working on me and my family to live in the world and not to be of the world. Life is worth living we just have to find those things important to us long term to see just how worth living it really is. I love my husband and our three amazing kids!

Jake 2 Years 7 Months

Jake you are another month older, these months seem to go faster and faster by us. Jake this month you are two years and seven months old and I am starting to think in my mind how in the world can you be almost three, of course this means we will need to make it to Disneyland one more time before we have to pay for you ;) Jake at 2 years 7 months...

1. Jake wants to play with the big kids all the time. Jake has a thing with thinking he is older then he actually is so therefore he plays with the older kids. The older kids usually don't mind until they realize that Jake can't talk very well. You will get there baby boy!

2. Jake is taking more and more naps. Jake goes on and off with the nap things and it is crazy how often it changes but this month was definitely a nap month. 

3. Jake was sick. You know if Jake takes medicine or even asks for medicine himself he is really sick and this month he did just that. Jake is one you have to sit on him (not literally just almost) and force his mouth open for meds. This time around Jake would ask for his meds and gladly take the syringe and give it to himself, poor guy had a rough time with his earaches, strep and eye infection.

4. Jake has the coolest dance moves. This boy sure knows how to dance and if I could just catch each dance move on video I could get famous from my boy. Jake I love your little dance moves especially when you just stomp your feet super fast, it's amazing! I love you!

5. Jake is such good buddies with his sisters! He loves both his older sister and his younger sister, if any guy has to be the middle of two sisters Jake has been the PERFECT brother. Jake has so much love and care for his sisters he is like the dream brother.

6. Jake sleeps with his "Me" (Jake and the Neverland Pirate) every night. Jake always sleep with his Pirate and its the cutest thing. I love watching my little boy cuddle up with his "Me" every night!

7. Jake says bye to his iPad. Okay so maybe the kids go through phases of when they will say bye to random things because it's like a game we do whenever Mom or Dad have to go anywhere. The kids said Trick-or-Treat for the longest time and we had no clue besides just a game and now Jake makes everyone say bye to his iPad. It is quite humorous.

8. Jake has such a sense of humor. Jake does this new thing where he uses his hands as binoculars and it is the cutest thing. He will be looking for his sisters and place his hands up to his eyes like binoculars just like Jake the Neverland Pirate would do. Jake is such an amazing little boy!

Jake Oliver you are such a special little boy and you bring so much joy to me and your whole family. You have this special radiant spirit and I can't ever get enough of it. I love you my boy always and forever and watching you grow is the best thing EVER!