Saturday, April 18, 2015

Jake 1 Year

Jake Oliver is one year old. Jake has been with us for a whole year. Jake is 12 months old. No matter how many ways I say that it never gets easier. My baby boy is getting so big. His birthday came and went so quickly! Jake at 12 months...

1. Jake got sick. He got his first antibiotics that for the most part he didn't mind taking. Jake got a nasty runny nose, strep and horrible ear infections. Little man was so miserable! I hope Jake never gets that sick again.

2. Jake stands up by himself. My kids are chicken when it comes to walking, I don't blame them change scares me too! Jake isn't walking yet but I'm still such a proud mom! Jake is standing by himself :) His favorite place to stand is the bathtub, that's a little scary though ;)

3. Jake loves Mom and Dads phone. Jake has discovered that these phone devices contain music, who doesn't love a little music? Jake is our little music lover that is for sure. The phones must always have music blasting through as he plays with them.

4. Jake has his own room. We have switched Jake over to the "kids room" as we call it. Andie and Jake love sharing a room together! They love just sitting up and playing on Andies bed talking to each other. I love how close my two kiddos are :)

5. Jake celebrated his first birthday complete with a Minion party. Jake seemed to love the attention even if he was a little cranky from missing his nap. Our little minion is getting so old!

6. Jake is a dare devil. No Jake will not walk, but he does climb up on things (which is a lot worse) and then proceeds to fall and hurt himself. Jake always seems to have scratches or small bruises all over him. No one does harm to this little boy but himself.

7. Jake doesn't hate much food but Mayo is one of those things he strongly dislikes. Jake had some mayo on his chicken burger one night for dinner and he was not a fan. I have only seen Jake hate one other thing before in his life thus far, cotton candy!

8. Jake is scared of the windshield wipers. Who doesn't love sitting in the car during a good rain storm? I love it and always have. Jake on the other hand is not a fan of this past time of mine. Jake is so scared of the windshield wipers as they squeak across the windshield. Every time the windshield wipers would start up Jake would shiver in fear!

9. Jake has learned how to climb stairs. I am sure he would of been able to do this along time ago but this paranoid mother never gives him the chance. Jake followed Daddy up the stairs one day as he took the garbage out, of course I pulled the camera out and watched him proudly climb to the top.

10. Jake is growing like crazy and doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon. Jake at his one year check up is now 21 pounds 11 ounces (30% for weight), 31.5 inches tall (90% for height) and  his head is 25%. I have a tall skinny boy. Jake is wearing size 18 month clothes and size 3 diapers. He sleeps pretty good most nights from 9pm-8am. Jake is off the bottle and is now talking whole milk out of the sippy cups.

Its crazy how much change can happen in a years time with our little ones. Jake is a completely different boy from the little struggling boy in the NICU. I love my Jake Oliver and the joy he has brought to our family.

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