Saturday, January 2, 2016

Jake 1 Year 9 Months

Jake Oliver your so close to two years old that at times I think your already there. You act so much older then you are and maybe it's because we treat you older then you are but that's no excuse, so stop growing boy! Jake at 1 year 9 months...

1. Jake went to the doctor to check for asthma. Jake has had a cough for over two months and we are starting to get worried and find the reason of this cough. Jake had an ear infection and Bronchiolitis so the doctor treated that with antibiotics before having him come back to be checked again. Jake is now currently taking his acid reflux medication again in hopes that will help his cough before turning to an inhaler.

2. Jake loves babies. Jake has this fascination for any and all babies, especially his little sister. Jake completely loves his little sister and loves on her a little to heard most of the time but it's so cute to watch as her makes sure we remember her pacifier or blanket.

3. Jake loves water. It doesn't matter if he is drinking it or playing in it this boy needs all the water. He has quite the obsession going for him!

4. Jake is talking more. Jake is really starting to put words together as he speaks forming small sentences. It's amazing how much more we can understand and how much his vocabulary has shot the last month. He counts to 3, constantly telling us to go bye and copying what movies say (he does this a lot and it's so dang cute, smart kid).

5. Jake has no more naps. This one was and is hard on us. Jake still needs a nap but with bringing Brooklyn home and her feeding schedule naps were thrown to the side. Jake (and I) are handling it the best we can. If only there was more time in the day!

6. Jake is 26 pounds. Jake is growing so quickly. Jake is 26 pounds, wears 18-24 month clothing, size 4 diapers and still drinks all he can for his diet. He is climbing on everything you could think of (couches, tables, chairs, cupboards, desks, shelves, dressers, beds, etc). It's amazing how my 7 pounder can be so big and adventurous already!

7. Jake is obsessed with cars. Jake loves to play with his cars all day long. I feel bad because as Jake is the middle child right now he is getting a little neglected. Let's just say even his sister has started telling him to go play cars if she is busy. I feel bad for the kid and love him so much but he is a great sport about it and enjoys his cars so much!

8. Jake celebrated Thanksgiving. We didn't do much for Thanksgiving this year but there was juice so Jake enjoyed it. We are starting to get into the Christmas holiday season now too and we saw Santa Claus. Jake wasn't a fan of Santa but thank goodness his wife was right next to him. Jake was okay with the Mrs. I guess he has a way with the ladies ;)

I love you Jake Oliver and all the smiles you bring to our family. You have a contagious laugh and mean so much to me, your dad and both of your sisters. We love you boy so don't ever change for anyone else. Your our amazing little Jake!

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