Monday, January 1, 2018

Jake 3 Years 6 Months

Jake Oliver is another month older and I can't believe my baby boy is growing up so quickly. Jake is such a perfect little boy who definitely keeps us on our toes. His car loving crazy self is the best little boy I could of even asked to be a mother to. Jake at 3 years 6 months (three and a half already)...

1. Jake is finally, slightly, letting Mom take pictures of him. Jake has never been a fan of photos and when you have a Mom that wants to document everything in your life this makes it very hard. Your sisters have many pictures, all the pictures I try to take of Jake never really turn out. Jake is FINALLY letting me take pictures but I have to capture them fast or I miss my chance. I will take any  chance I get to capture your cute self my boy.

2. Jake is my picky eater. I haven't quite decided if he is so picky because he is a little boy and that's just what they do OR if he has gastric problems. Jake's pediatrician did refer us to a gastric doctor and we haven't gone yet so there could be something more. Jack has always been so picky and of course everything he says hurts his tummy. Poor kid.

3. Jake likes building with Lego. We have had Lego's since Andie could play with them and besides here and there using them they usually don't get touched much. Jake is now loving building more and more towers. Jake is our little builder for sure!

4. Jake is starting to talk more and be understood. There is always that sweet spot between 3-4 that your kids start talking clearer and understanding more. Jake is at that stage so others can understand him and his questions and love about life is outstanding. Jake never leaves a day with a dull moment, he is always up to something. I love my little mischievous talker.

5. Jake is having a harder time with Andie in school. Jake had a hard time when Andie went to preschool because he missed having someone to play with. Now Brooklyn is old enough so Jake isn't having a harder time with that per say, rather Jake is having a hard time that he can't stay at school too. Jake wants to be able to go to school and hang out with friends all day long, especially when there is a playground right outside the classroom.

6. Jake is a good sleeper. Jake has always taken after his Daddy when it comes to his sleep pattern. As soon as Dad's head hits the pillow he is falling asleep. Jake is the same way and if you lay that boy down he usually won't give you a hard time and he will be asleep within minutes. This kid loves his sleep! Jake is also our morning riser though and he doesn't like to waste the daylight sleeping in so he is definitely I will rise when the sun rises kinda kid. Dad's little mini me.

7. Jake knows all the Disney Cars characters names. Jake has loved McQueen for a long time that is plan to see but he outsmarts me when it comes to knowing all the cars names. Jake has a poster in his room and he can point to all the characters and tell me exactly who they are, smart boy I got here!

8. Jake plays well with other kids. Jake loves going to playgrounds and as soon as he gets there he has to go to other kids, especially boys, and start playing with them. He is surrounded by girls at home so he will take any boy time he can get, poor kid haha! Jake loves to chase the kids and playing tag is a favorite when it comes to young kids on a playground.

9. Jake loves spinners. I don't know if I have mentioned this spinner loving little boy but he is definitely a fan. Jake has a few different red spinners and of course we couldn't deny him something that will go down in history haha. We got a light up spinner and Jake loves it!

Jake, my boy, you love life and I am still learning from you each day on how to see the positive in all our experiences. Jake you bring me so much joy as you bring out your smile more for others to see and warm up to them. You have such a great little spirit and I believe you will do great things in life. I love you so much my Jake Oliver, always and forever!

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