Sunday, October 19, 2014

Andie 2 Years 4 Months

Andie is two years four months, practically half a year old. Its making me nervous that her third birthday is approaching so quickly (I know I am thinking way ahead right here, but I am really nervous for it). Andie this past month has shown some fun things in her personality...

1. Andie loves Orange Julius. Constantly this girl is asking for juice, running to the cupboard, dragging out the blender and asking to make it. Its so cute! We are going through all our frozen orange julius we have collected in our freezer though, so that's good :)

2. Andie was sick this past month. We all got a really bad cold that stuck around the home for a good two weeks. It was fun to be able to cuddle together as a family and watch Disney movies all week while eating soup but I think Andies favorite part was definitely being able to have Tylenol, she loves that stuff!

3. And loves pizza. This girl is constantly asking for pizza! Good thing I am trying to watch my calories or I would give in to her cute little voice saying "I want pizza". Yes everyone once in awhile we let Andie eat that addiction of having pizza. My cute little pizza lover :)

4. Andie does here own makeup. Andie can open the bathroom door and she knows exactly where Mom keeps the makeup. Quietly crawling up on to the toilet, climbs over to the sink, over the counter to the other side, opens up moms makeup organizer and BAM! Mom's makeup is all over Andies face! I have such a little girly girl and I love it!

5. Andie has more of an imagination. Its cute watching Andie play with her princess dolls and have them talk to each other. I remember back when I did that with my barbies. I love watching her play (from a distance) she hates knowing Mom or Dad is watching her makeup all these fun stories as she has her princesses walk around, SO CUTE!

6. Andie loves Ice Cream. She must get that from her Grandpa Redd ;) Andie has only eaten ice cream when its a birthday and we have cake with it, so Andie thinks that ice cream is called cake. Its funny watching her cutely (is that even a word) run to the freezer, point to it and say "Cake!" Thank you Winco for having delicious "cake" for us to fill our freezer.

7. Andie is our girly girl and her covering her mouth completes it. She has this new thing where if we tell her no or she gets upset she puts her hand to her mouth while gasping. It is so cute to watch and yes I admit Daddy and I do it on purpose sometimes. I don't know where she learned this hand to the mouth thing, such a smart girl!

8. Andie has an iPad and she loves it. I love that I can download learning games on it. She can count to 10 now and is the best matcher out there, puzzle games are some of her favorites! Yes she has some of her princess dress up games or fun Netflix to watch her movies on. I was against toddlers having iPads but now I realize they can be a benefit if used correctly.

9. Andie loves skirts/dresses. If given the choice to dress herself for the day Andie will pick out a skirt, dress or her Ariel outfit. Its so cute watching her spin in her little dresses so happy with the world. I never want that happiness to leave my little girl, she is so perfect.

Andie is such a fun little girl to be around. I love everything about her little personality. She still is the best big sister to her brother Jake and she is learning so much in leaps and bounds. Andie is so fun with all she does and has the most amazing memory of any two year old I know. I love you my Andie Noelle, always and forever!

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