Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Andie started Kindergarten, WHAT? How am I old enough to have a child in Kindergarten already?!

We had Kindergarten registration a few weeks ago and now went in for Kindergarten testing. I was hoping at the testing I would get some information on when she will start school, teacher, times and days she has classes. I got some of that information. Andie did her testing and of course I snuck a picture and the siblings watched. They don't really tell you how she did but she did say that Miss Stephenson would be her teacher for the year, woot one step closer.

We then of course went to our traditional IHOP breakfast. We love that we have this beginning of the school year tradition. Andie was so excited to have a smile face pancake again and GUESS WHAT? The kids were actually good even with the long wait for the food. Daddy and I were SO surprised.

We didn't hear anything about when she would start school until the night before she had to be there? Can you believe it? My OCD heart was in a panic all month long and then to know school was the next day with no prep. We did run a little late and so all the other parents had dropped off their kids and were staring through the window. I came up and an assistant (I assume) opened the door right before I walked up and started telling the parents to leave and go home, just go. I looked at her blankly at her disrespect for it was the first day of Kindergarten of course parents want to make sure their kids are okay. So I tell her that I haven't dropped off my daughter yet, so she grabs Andie's arm and drug her into the room and shut the door. I didn't even get to say goodbye! This was the worst first day of school yet. I didn't even know when class was over!

So I left in distress and came home basically in tears wondering what I should do. Do I change teachers for her? Do I take a stand to the assistant? Meanwhile I had Zach call the office to ask when school was out so we knew when we would be able to pick up our little girl. I decided I would ask Andie and see what she thought of the first day.

We picked up Andie and she was so ecstatic and showed us her papers she colored and said it was the best day ever. So of course we had to go celebrate and we went to McDonald's. We decided to have her stay in the class she is in even though some of her best friends from preschool are in other classes.  I want her to be with her best friends but making new friends is good too.

When home we did our tradition of destroying her old backpack from last year. She had so much fun cutting it all up so that there was room in her closet for her new backpack. Andie had such a fun time in Kindergarten and I have a feeling it will be a better year then the first day turned out to be. Andie you will learn so much and you will progress in leaps and bounds. I love you my girl!

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