Saturday, July 21, 2018

Brooklyn 2 Years 7 Months

Brooklyn Riley, my baby girl, your now inching more and more towards three than you are two (WHAT!). You are going far too quickly and each passing month I realize how much my baby is no longer a baby. Brooklyn at 2 years 7 months...

1. Brooklyn is a Daddy's girl. With Daddy being gone so much with school and work he is very rarely home. When Dad is home Brooklyn will NOT let go, she loves her Daddy! Brooklyn has always been close to her Father due to the fact her first couple years of life Daddy was home more often then Mom but the tables have turned. Poor girl doesn't know what normal is anymore.

2. Brooklyn loves to play house. Brooklyn is always pretending to be a Mom to all her babies, which she is still obsessed with. Brooklyn is the best little Mom with feeding, giving naps and yes even changing all her babies diapers and she has a lot of babies. Brooklyn my girl you will be the best Mom to a real baby in the future, I just know it. Brooklyn also loves to play with her siblings as they pretend to be a Mom, Dad and baby. Its the cutest watching them all play together!

3. Brooklyn is loving to play outside. Brooklyn has been soaking up this summer by asking to go in the backyard all day everyday. Brooklyn loves anything to do with outside whether it be chalk, tag, playing with balls, riding bikes or jumping on the trampoline this girl loves it rain or shine!

4. Brooklyn said goodbye to Toys R Us. Brooklyn just like her siblings have been loving watching Toys R Us on YouTube so when they heard that it would be closing forever of course we had to make a final stop. Brooklyn loves any store with toys so of course Toys R Us was a big hit, what kid didn't love it?

5. Brooklyn is silly. I have always said this little girl has such a silly personality but my goodness she is always doing things to make us laugh. Brooklyn loves to be talking to someone or someone talking to her and she will randomly throw in the word poop somewhere. It is hilarious! Speaking up pooping this girl of mine was taking a shower and got out by herself and sat up on the potty and pooped, WHAT! Yes we haven't potty trained you yet but when you yelled out "wipey, wipe" I was shocked to find how big of a girl you really are turning into.

6. Brooklyn loves to watch Andie swim. Brooklyn has been loving to go sit on the bench and watch her big sister during her swim lessons. I am sure Brooklyn is dreaming of the day when Mom signs her up for lessons but until that day she will cheer on her sister from the sidelines. I love how proud Brooklyn is of Andie!

7. Brooklyn spent a couple night away from Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad went on their first couple getaway since having kids and Brooklyn handled it like a freaking champ. Grandma Redd was willing to watch over the kids and Brooklyn loves her Grandma so of course she had the time of her life. We brought Brooklyn home a Sven souvenir and she loves that little guy or "Baby" as she calls him.

8. Brooklyn loves one on one time. One on one time with an individual parent is a very rare moment, we are trying to work on this. Brooklyn was able to go grocery shopping with Mom all on her own and she LOVED IT! Of course whenever we spotted anything Elsa we had to get it, like the Mac & Cheese and the Chicken Noodle Soup. Brooklyn I think will jump at any grocery shopping opportunity until we get these one on one dates set on the schedule.

Brooklyn you have such a happy, fun, energetic personality that we all love to be around. You have such a great outlook on life and can find the good in anything. I can't wait to see the beautiful young women you are growing into. I love you my princess, always and forever!

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