Thursday, January 1, 2015

Jake 9 Months

Jake is 9 months old! It surprises me that he has already been in my arms the same length he was in my belly. Boy do I love this little energetic boy of mine. Jake Oliver at 9 months old.....

1. Jake can scoot forwards and now crawl. Jake has developed so much in the moving phase this past month. It seems this little man is always on the go which makes crawling so exciting for us all.

2. Jake can also sit by himself. Jake had a hard time learning to sit for long periods of time on his own since he would get so excited about things and knock himself over. I'm telling you my Jake Oliver is an energizer bunny for sure ;)

3. Jake loves food! No matter what I put in front of Jake he will eat it, I have yet to find something he hates. Jake does love marshmallows and is bribed with them at Grandpa and Grandma Redds.

4. Jake went to his first play. He went to watch his Aunt Emmalee perform in "Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat". Jake did so good throughout the whole 2 hour performance. During the last song (which is over 8 minutes) Jake danced the whole time. He was standing on Mom's lap jumping up and down, up and down. I am sure his little quads were burning because my arms sure we're just from trying to hold him to not fall. Jake is so funny!

5. Jake has his two bottom center teeth. I love little Jakes cute teeth as he shows off his big grin :)

6. Jake got put on more medicine for his acid reflux. Jake is such a trooper to put up with all of this reflux crap. I can't wait until Jake is a year old in hopes he finally grows out of this.

7. Jake can pull himself up to a stand. Jake hasn't got the walking along furniture yet but I'm sure within the next month he will be accomplishing that too. My little baby Jake is growing so very fast!

8. Jake loves the TV on. It doesn't matter if it's a movie playing, music on or even our family slideshow he loves it. I think Jake is like his Momma and loves background noise!

9. Jake celebrated Thanksgiving and his Mom's birthday :) Jake is a big fan of anything food so Thanksgiving was a hit!

10. Jake is growing so fast, he weighs 19 pounds 5 ounces and is 29.5 inches long. For his height he is at 80% and for his weight (and head) its 40%. He is tall and skinny just like his sister. Jake is still eating about 7 ounces in each bottle about every 4 hours. He gets so frustrated when he is hungry that he needs a bottle and not food, it needs to get in his belly now haha it's funny. Jake is wearing mostly 12-18 month clothes and in size 3 diapers.

Jake is not my baby anymore he is growing into toddler phase so quickly. His first birthday is coming up really quickly whether I am ready or not. I love my Jake Oliver and watching his personality grow more each and everyday is a dream come true. I love you Buddy!

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