Monday, April 17, 2017

1st Dentist Appointment

For years I have been meaning to be a good Mom and take Andie to the dentist, after all your supposed to start taking your children once teeth pop up or the first birthday and...I failed completely. I was going in for my check-up with my dentist so I decided why not schedule an appointment for Andie to be seen too.

Andie was nervous but watched Mom get her cleaning done before bravely sitting in the chair herself. Andie surprised both me and the dental staff with how well she did. Andie took the brushing, flossing, polishing and all like a total champ.

Andie came out with a few teeth problems and now the motherly decisions begin as I figure out what will be best for my little girl. What do you do for a four year old with teeth problems, scare them with going to your dentist and chancing a disaster unfolding with a child who is petrified of shots OR finding a pediatrician office and see what they would suggest. Decisions, Decisions!

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