Brooklyn Riley my baby girl you are such a joy to be around each and everyday. You have always been the most happy, fun loving, smiles all day long little girl that everyone adores. Your love for people is something I aspire to. I love you my princess. Brooklyn at 1 year 7 months...
1. Brooklyn is officially in nursery. Brooklyn went into nursery at 18 months old and has had zero problems. She walks in each week, sits up on the chairs to sing the songs and plays so well with the toys and each other. I love my happy social butterfly.
2. Brooklyn played with her cousin Hunter. Brooklyn loved having another kid about her age at home. Brooklyn and Hunter got along quite well and it was so cute to watch them help each other out with different tasks as they were playing.
3. Brooklyn always has scraped up knees. Brooklyn loves playing outside but is a little bit clumsy when it comes to the running part so her knees get the wrath of it. Brooklyn doesn't seem to mind the scrapes as long as we don't put band-aids on them. I swear Brooklyn is the only child that thinks band-aids makes ouches happen and not heal them.
4. Brooklyn loves Puppies. I think I have mentioned her love for puppies in the past but if I haven't, Brooklyn is obsessed. Brooklyn has a few stuffed animal dogs and she loves them so much. She usually every night will sleep with her puppy (white with pink spots) or an Elsa doll, puppies usually win.
5. Brooklyn copies other people. Brooklyn is at the stage that what others do she will most definitely follow. Brooklyn especially loves to copy her siblings (especially when Andie is coloring Brooklyn has to color, my two little artists) and of course her Momma. Brooklyn is also such a happy baby girl so anyone that she meets she is saying "hi". Even in stores when we pass by people if anyone looks our direction she is waving and saying "bye" to them. My princess is our social butterfly.
6. Brooklyn is playing on playgrounds on her own. Brooklyn is getting so big and every time she does something on her own that she couldn't beforehand I just realize how much my baby isn't a baby anymore, she is growing up! Brooklyn is a pro at these playground equipments and to make it even worse she is even amazing at climbing stairs up and down on her own now too. I think it helps that now that we live at the grandparents house there is a big set of stairs for lots of practice.
7. Brooklyn doesn't have a crib. Okay let me clarify Brooklyn has a crib but we took off one of the rails so it is like it's not a crib anymore. We wanted to get some practice in before we get the bunk beds for the kiddos in a few months. Hopefully Brooklyn will handle this change pretty good.
8. Brooklyn loves to wear shoes. Brooklyn loves shoes especially if they are little dress up shoes. Brooklyn is constantly trying on her siblings shoes, moms shoes or even Daddy's big old shoes. Brooklyn also loves that we have little princess shoes and I really should get her more, maybe upcoming birthday or Christmas ideas.
9. Brooklyn went bowling. Brooklyn I didn't know if you would enjoy bowling as you can't walk and lift the ball on your own like your siblings. You really enjoyed it though and were so cute to push the ball with full force off the ramp each turn. You surprise us daily in all your capabilities. I love you!
Brooklyn Riley my princess you truly are royalty. You have this elegance around you that we all aspire to be like that seems to be so natural for you. Brooklyn you have taught us so much in your lifetime thus far and each day with you is a privilege I look forward too. I love you my princess always and forever!