Thursday, April 26, 2018

Jake 4 Years 1 Month

Jake, little man, you are growing far to quickly and even though I love watching you grow and experiencing life right beside you please slow down I am not ready for this. Jake I love you so very much your kind soft heart and your crazy personality is the perfect mixture and I love that you are my Mommas boy. Jake at 4 years 1 month old...

1. Jake celebrated Easter. Jake loves to celebrate, its all so exciting when it comes to celebrations and Easter was the most recent. Jake loved that he would be able to hunt eggs and gather candy even though usually he won't eat to much of it but the chocolate or chewy candies (starbursts, skittles).

2. Jake loves his iPad. Jake has been loving having his iPad back since his birthday. YouTube of course is still a favorite and he explorers a lot of different channels but Ryan's Toy Review is still one of the top favorites, the other is daily bumps.

3. Jake had a year checkup. Jake my man is growing perfectly! Jake is about 50% for weight and 75% for height so overall he is totally proportionate. Jake had to do his first eye test and I think he would pass but when you are showing him random black and white photos of outlines of things Jake just isn't grasping what it is so there was a small concern. Jake was just excited that he didn't need shots this time around (just way for next year buddy).

4. Jake loves Lego. Jake has been loving Legos lately and if I do say so myself Jake is the greatest tower maker of them all. Jake loves that he has his McQueen Legos and basically any vehicle Legos he can build tall cars from is the best thing ever. I love Jakes creativity as he is building (this one is a temple).

5. Jake is our funny guy. Jake one day was drinking sprite and kept saying his eyes were getting so big haha. The fizz from the drink was so strong that he thought his eyes were growing out of his head and were going to explode. Poor Jake was so serious as Mom and Dad tried to explain to you that you were okay haha. I love my little guy so much! I am so amazing at how much of a soft heart by crazy boy has, so perfect in every way.

6. Jake is still our movie junky. If your apart of the Wadsworth family you are a movie junky and Jake fits right in for sure. The most recent movies that Jake is enjoying is Coco, how could he not love it with all the skeletons. Halloween is still sung quite a bit around these parts even if we just celebrated Easter so obviously Coco is a hit. Madagascar 3 Jake found so funny when he watched it and we might of had it on replay a few times this past month, never gets dull listening to Jake laughs.

7. Jake is scared of animals. Once again I rubbed off on my little boy and my fear of animals is passed onto Jake. Jake is not to fond of animals coming to close to him but if there are through glass we are okay. Poor Jake is going to have a heart attack if we see another cat or dog outside while going on our errand runs.

8. Jake went to a temple open house. Jake got to walk through the Jordan River Temple Openhouse and I am pretty sure he loved it. Of course Jake couldn't manage for to long to be quite and when he was allowed to run around again it was freedom for his little legs. Don't get my boy wrong Jake loves his temple and knows all about Jesus, its the cutest thing!

9. Jake does the funniest things. One of the things I remember about Jake this month is when we were having a dance party after getting our pajamas on before bed, we do this quite often. Jake was dancing a little crazy and to close the the bunk beds and smacked his forehead right on the bars. Poor kid had an instant goose egg and I felt so bad but couldn't help but giggle as we caught it partially on film haha.

Jake you are the perfect little boy. I honestly love everything there is about you! Jake Oliver you have the most contagious little laugh, you love life more then anyone I know and you have a the energy of the energizer bunny and will never end. I love you so very much and I will never be able to tell you that enough. I love you!

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