Friday, April 6, 2018

Poor Brooklyn

Brooklyn gave us quite the scare. Brooklyn woke up in the middle of the night with a barking cough so of course what do you think? I know I thought of croup. I have been on the mom train long enough to know it is croup and it did scare me because the last croup episode we had was Andie having to be rushed to the Instacare and then ER. Yeah that was a nightmare! Brooklyn suffered with her darn cough and being miserable on medication overload for a few days.

After awhile her cough went away, great! The bad thing is Brooklyn was still a mess and feeling miserable. Fever wasn't going away, she was puking up anything that entered her and she hadn't eaten or even drank anything for days. I was getting nervous at this point something else would be wrong.

Well after a week I decided enough is enough because she woke up and her stomach was so distended. At first I thought okay maybe she is constipated or something because that happens with her genetics. She hadn't eaten or drank anything for so long though so I was even extra nervous. I decided why not take her to the doctor but of course it was a Sunday so I couldn't go to her pediatrician doctor. The Instacare the last couple times I have taken kids into have messed up or told me my kids are healthy only to go to a second doctor and be told they are super sick. So I debated in my head for sometime and finally decided I would head to an ER.

Poor Brooklyn was miserable. We were in the ER all day long and she was given fluids, medicine and slept whole lot. I am glad Brooklyn got a day to really rest and relax with all of Moms attention because she doesn't get that at home with her brother and sister around. After all aren't Moms hugs the best medicine anyways? (at the ER they messed up on her birthday and we had to get that all straightened out)

Once we had Brooklyn looking better and more hydrated and actually keeping water down we took her home and Mom was ready to rush off to work. Thank goodness my boss decided I didn't need to go after all and I was able to come back home to my little girl who so desperately needed me. Now we hope Brooklyn continues on the mend and keeping liquids down at least. I love you my princess!

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