Monday, January 13, 2014

Andie 1 Year 7 Months

Every month when I write a new update on Andie I am so surprised how much time has passed. How can each month go by so quickly? Andie is 1 year and 7 months old, 19 months! My baby is not a baby anymore she is our big sister :)

1. Andie sings all the time. She especially loves to sing her favorite movies songs. The Little Mermaid is still Andies favorite. She sings Under the Sea and it's so dang cute!

2. Andie got a toddler bed. She loves it! I am sure the princess bedding has helped some with that. She loves knowing it's her bed and she chooses to sleep in it. I am loving the transition with Andie picking to do it instead of us forcing her.

3. Andie has learned to climb stairs. I am sure she has known how to go up and downstairs already but we never are around them. I am still a worried mother and would rather have her stay away from stairs all together but Andie loves stairs and is getting the hang of them!

4. Andie has learned to stomp one of her feet when she wants something, wants us to come to her, is angry, dancing or excited. She always is stomping hard on one foot. It's so cute! My little girl may be getting some attitude but her laughs and smiles bring out the funny in her. Andie can't stay angry, she always is pretending and tries not to crack a smile.

5. Andie got new shoes. She was outgrowing her white shoes and we could tell she thought they were uncomfortable. Andie picked out her new black shoes and loves them! They didn't have her size so they are rather large on her, but her foot doesn't pop out or trip her.

6. Andie celebrated her 2nd Christmas. She was spoiled for sure but how can we not spoil our little girl? Andie got mostly her Disney barbies and the little mermaid items. She loves all things girly!

7. Andie has started to laugh in movies and for the most part it's in pretty accurate spots. I love watching her face when she watches movies to see her crack a smile, get worried, stare intently or laugh. Most of the times when we watch movies I am more glued to watching Andie then the movie.

8. Andie says "I love you". I have been waiting for what feels like FOREVER to hear her tiny voice say those words. Whenever I say "I love you Andie" she will reply back "I love you too". My heart melts hearing her say those words to me. Even talking on the phone she will say "I love you too". I love my Andie Noelle!

Watching Andie learn and grow so much each and every month never ceases to amaze me. She is such a special blessing to me in my life. I can't imagine life without my Andie right there beside her Dad and I.

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