Sunday, August 21, 2016

Brooklyn 9 Months

Brooklyn my baby girl you are nine months old, can you believe it? It's really getting to the point where I need to focus on planning your first birthday already, WHAT! You are such a joy to have as our baby girl! Brooklyn at 9 months old...

1. Brooklyn loves food (must be related to her mother). Brooklyn is enjoying all the foods we are giving her and nine months is my guideline to give her anything and everything (not milk and honey of course). Brooklyn has loved trying lots of different fruits, LOVES CHEESEBALLS and the yogurt bites and anything else she can sneak from her brother and sister. Brooklyn is also the only one out of her siblings that has enjoyed baby food or rice cereal.

2. Brooklyn moves all over the place. Brooklyn may not be crawling yet but this doesn't stop our little girl from getting into everything so whomever tells you otherwise has never had a late crawler before (like all my kids). Brooklyn rolls places and is really starting to scoot/army crawl very well.

3. Brooklyn sleeps thru the night. Brooklyn is sleeping through the night but occasionally will wake for a bottle at midnight. For the most part Brooklyn will sleep 8pm-9:30am and it is so nice. Brooklyn then will take one nap mid day usually around noon. Brooklyn is such an amazing sleeper!

4. Brooklyn has amazing small motor skills. Brooklyn can so daintily pick up the most smallest thing perfectly it's actually very entertaining. Brooklyn is so good with her hands it's purely amazing. I understand most babies can pick up the smallest of things but watching her is so different then other babies her age that I have seen. I love my Brooklyn.

5. Brooklyn loves toys. Brooklyn plays with toys so well and has her favorites like her Tsum Tsums but any toys she loves. She will pick up a toy and just know exactly what to do with it and not even have to explore with it, she must be watching her siblings very intently.

6. Brooklyn is growing so quickly. Brooklyn is in size 3 diapers and size 3-9 month clothes haha. Okay Brooklyn is probably actually in 12 month clothes but we have been horrible with packing away smaller clothes and getting out bigger ones so we just smash her in whatever we can, it's sad. Brooklyn still eats about 6oz of formula every 4 hours. At her 9 month appointment Brooklyn weighed 20lbs (75%) and 28 inches (70%) with a giant head but we don't keep track of head sizes very closely.

Brooklyn Riley you are growing up so quickly and each month are learning so much from your parents and siblings. You truly keep our family so happy with you right in the middle of it. We can't imagine life without you, our princess. I love you Brooklyn!

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