Saturday, August 6, 2016

Jake 2 Years 4 Months

Jake my handsome little man I love you so much. You are still as energetic as ever and bring so much happiness to your parents. You keep us busy but we love every minute of it. Jake at two years four months...

1. Jake loves going to free lunch. One of the best things about the summer is when the free lunch starts up at the parks. I loved it as a teen and never imagined one day that I would then take my kids to it. WOW! Jake loves the water fountain the best at the park and of course trying to go and play with the older boys. Cool race cars and sports, what a little man I have on my hands.

2. Jake loves having Daddy home. Jake has always been a Daddy's boy which I am totally okay with nothing cuter, but now that Daddy is home a lot more Jake is so much more happier. I love me a happy Jake!      

3. Jake loves the color red. Did you ever think that a two year old would be obsessed with a colour? My boy is. Jake loves anything red. Red paint, red crayons, red clothes, red toys, yes and even red food. Red has become a real obsession.

4. Jake is a teeth grinder. Jake has always been a teeth grinder and I don't think I have ever written that in his month posts. Jake has this thing where he just grinds his teeth when he is frustrated or angry with something/someone. We try to tell him not to because its the worst sound ever! Teeth grinding continues and his poor teeth I hope don't get to harmed.

5. Jake loves Gatorade. Jake has some weird allergies when it comes to juice. Powdered juices Jake's stomach can't seem to handle they have to be 100% juice. We don't want to overload on the apple juice so we started throwing some Gatorade into the mix and Jake is hooked. Gatorade is Jake's favorite and can you imagine which kind, red!

6. Jake gets into so much mischief. Jake has learned a new obsession, piling things. Piles start wherever he wants them to and might get moved around twenty times after that. Sometimes these piles have clothes, toys, diapers, blankets or whatever else he can find. Sometimes there are in corners of the room, middle of the room or even on his baby sister/Daddy. The piles are weird and crazy but he loves them like a master piece!

7. Jake can count. Jake is getting so smart and sometimes I forget with him being a middle child to teach him colors or numbers. I was surprised to find out that I don't have to sit down and actually tell this guy much he just started counting on his own. Jake is a genius little guy!    

8. Jake loves Buzz Lightyear. Jake is in a Toy Story phase with Buzz Lightyear and Woody being a favorite. I think with having Toy Story playing so much with Andie's obsession with Jessie lately has created Jake's love in the movies too. Jake also is crazy about Lightning McQueen too. It's so cute to watch what Jake is into with his personality and hearing him say Bigouw and yeehaw is the cutest thing ever!

Jake Oliver you are such a firecracker and I love you so much. Your energy keeps us all on our toes and we would have it no other way. Jake you are the perfect little boy and we love you so very much!

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