Saturday, August 27, 2016

FHE: Being Christlike

We are on a roll! Family home evening  was on being Christlike (being kind). We started by singing "If the Savior Stood Beside Me".

We asked the kids what it meant to be like Jesus? We got the answers such as being good. Okay well good but what else? We explained they can't fight because that isn't what Jesus would do, etc. We showed a video because the kids love watching videos about the lesson and it makes it so easy for the parents too.

We then did an experiment that I have been wanting to try since I first heard about it. We got some iodine, bleach and water. Jesus was in one vase with just being pure bleach. We as people were in another vase being pure water. Satan was in the third vase being 80% water and 20% Iodine. We explained to the kids what each vase meant. We then told the kids if we fight that is something bad so we poured some of Satan into the us vase. If we steal something from the store that is something bad so we poured more of Satan into the us vase. Etc. Then we explained if we repent Jesus can help us become like him, pure again. I think I was as amazed as the kids were to see it go back white considering we never experimented before hand. This was such a good visual for the kids and they were mind blown.

We ended by singing "A Child's Prayer" and then went and found some white brownies that were hidden in the house somewhere (on the top of the fridge) for the treat. I am loving this Family Home Evening thing and the kids look forward to it each week. Success!

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