Monday, May 6, 2013

Andie 11 Months

My little girl is 11 months old. How is she growing up so fast? She used to be so small and now has such a big personality! She is happy all the time as so adventurous. At 11 months old.....

1. Andie loves to dance. She has always had a thing for music but this past month she adores it. Anything she will dance to especially if there is a good beat. She loves movies also and always has. We put a lot of musical movies in for her to dance along with!

2. Andie has learned to clap her hands. She claps at everything now even if its just to get someone's attention :)

3. Andie now says "Hi" when she waves. We are trying to teach her bye but that hasn't stuck yet. She can now say "Mom", "Dad", "Bottle", "Yeah" and "Hi".

4. Andie went to the zoo for the first time. It was rainy but we enjoyed our outing. We spent a lot of time with the giraffes and also watching the sea lions and otters swim!

5. Andie loves food. She still prefers a bottle unless we are eating with her. Zachary gave her a donut that she devoured. She was hyper for days to come after that delicious meal.

6. Andie has moved up to size 3 diapers. I can't wait to potty train her come the end of the year. I remember when newborn diapers were big on her. How is my little 5 pounder in size 3 diapers!

7. Andie has spiked a few low temperatures this past month but it has not kept her down. She is as active as ever and getting into everything! We have made gates with our chairs and bungee cords now lock the cupboards.

8. Andie has a total of 7 teeth showing! She is handling her teething so well compared to most. I didn't even realize the 4 teeth on top until she was scrapping a utensil on them one day. She has 3 on the bottom middle and 4 on the top middle.

I love my little girl and all she accomplishes and learns each and every month. She is a blessing to me and Zachary. She makes our lives complete and happy :)

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