Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Jake 1 Year 7 Months

Jake Oliver the months are flying by and you keep on growing, why can't you slow down? You have brought so much joy to your Mom, Dad and sister with your sweet smile and crazy personality. Jake you are my little ball of energy that tests your mothers patience daily but I would have you no other way. You are perfect my son! At 1 year 7 months...

1. Jake loves Baymax. Jake has found his favorite movie "Big Hero 6" and could watch it over and over again. Jake has parts memorized so he knows when to laugh, smile or clap. It is so cute to watch Jake interact with his favorite movie characters, now if only they had more Big Hero 6 toys life would be good :)

2. Jake is such a great napper. Jake is finally on a perfect routine as long as Mom can stick to it. When I get off work and bring the kiddos home we will then put Jake down for a nap from 2-5pm. It's been nice for Jake to be on this nap routine, I love it!

3. Jake spent his first night away from Mom and Dad, he did so good. Jake spent the night at Grandpa and Grandma Redd's house and it was such a good thing to be able to give him a prep night before Brooklyn comes along next month.

4. Jake is a jealous little guy. I didn't realize until this past month if Mom or Dad hold someone else, besides Andie, Jake will get mad. It makes me a little nervous to see how he will handle his little sister but Jake loves babies so hopefully things will go well.

5. Jake did so good in Conference. Imagine a little crazy energetic boy watching 10 hours of church, sounds horrid right? Nope! Jake did so good with watching conference, I am one proud mother :)

6. Jake is our little climber. If any chairs, steps or stools are left out Jake will climb up onto whatever he can get to. This climbing stage has resulted into lots of broken glass as nothing is safe from little man.

7. Jake loves to dance. Jake has the cutest little dance who will bounce back and forth from leg to leg really fast, like running in place super fast. It is so cute watching little man dance along to any music he hears, he has always been a music lover.

8. Jake was sick this past month. Soon after Jake got his flu shot he got a runny nose and a cough. He is doing better except at night he will have coughing fits. It is so sad watching Jake as he has those coughing fits, poor little guy! Jake handles everything so well!

9. Jake repeat talks after everything. Jake is our little copy cat when it comes to trying to talk and it is so cute listening to him as he learns new words. I love this stage when Jake can start to communicate with us more often. Some of his favorite words are still "Juice, Watch and a new one Baby".

I love my little man Jake Oliver and all he does to bring that smile to my face. Jake is my pride and joy for sure as I learn from him his joy in life. Nothing can seem to get this boy down, except for his short patience but we can handle that. I love you my Jake keep growing into this wonderful young man I know you are!

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