Monday, December 21, 2015

Brooklyn 1 Month

Brooklyn is already a month old and I don't know how I feel about this. Time is flying by with Brooklyn in our lives and it seems each stage is going faster then the next, this makes me want to cry! My little baby is growing far to quickly for this Momma to grasp. Brooklyn Riley at 1 month old...

1. Brooklyn is a good sleeper. I lucked out in the baby department with this sweet girl. She will sleep 4 hour stretches at night before waking up for a feeding and going back to bed. Brooklyn is still sleeping a lot (that's what newborns do) and it's so nice with her being on a schedule.

2. Brooklyn is in newborn clothes and diapers. Brooklyn is staying relatively small even though she is growing like crazy. I did try on a 0-3 month outfit on her but it's still far to big for her petite little frame.

3. Brooklyn fake burps. This girl has a funny side to her already and is quite the entertainer for our family. After her bottles as we are burping her she will fake burp and then look up at you like "I'm done". Um no girl your not! Brooklyn is constantly making her Momma laugh.

4. Brooklyn weighs 8 pounds 9 ounces. When Brooklyn came out of the NICU she had an appointment with the doctor and she weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces (75% height 25% weight). At her two week checkup she was already 7 pounds 9 ounces (5% overall average). Then when we went in for a cord procedure, they placed silver nitrate on her belly button since there is a small stubborn piece of cord inside her belly button that won't go away, and she was 8 pounds 9 ounces (with clothes and a diaper on this time). Brooklyn has no problems with growing that is for sure!

5. Brooklyn switched formulas. I was starting to think Brooklyn would have the same problem as her brother did as she is now on her 3rd formula from switching so much. I have a good feeling about this one though, similac advanced, here we go. We had to switch from the sensitive as that was making things harder on her body then they needed to be. It's always so hard watching your baby struggle. Brooklyn drinks 2-3oz every 3 hours during the day and every 4 hours at night. Thank you NICU for this nice schedule ;)

6. Brooklyn is scared of the dark. Okay I don't know if babies can actually be afraid of the dark but put this girl in a dark room and she will fuss and fuss until a little light is on. Poor girl needs a nightlight at a month old and it's he cutest thing.

7. Brooklyn is starting to smile. Brooklyn is not one to smile a lot yet but when she does it is always a little smirk. You know that smirk people do when they are up to no good, yeah that is the one! I love Brooklyn and her trouble making smile :)

8. Brooklyn loves to cuddle. Brooklyn is one that likes to be held and cuddled all nice and warm. I don't mind the extra snuggles from her but her siblings try to get in on the snuggle action too. Brooklyn always looks so worried at her brother and sister as they tried to hold her and live on her, so cute but so scary at the same time. Brooklyn is so loved that is for sure!

9. Brooklyn celebrated her first Thanksgiving. Brooklyn didn't get to eat any yummy turkey or pie but instead slept in her little bouncer seat at Grandpa and Grandmas house and slept. That sounds like a perfect Thanksgiving to me ;)

10. Brooklyn is a pacifier fan. I love having the convince of a pacifier. Brooklyn isn't to addicted to that thing but it's nice the comfort it can bring to her as she is fussing away plus how cute is the giant pacifier in a babies mouth?

Brooklyn Riley you are so loved by all of your family. I have only had you for a month in my arms but the impact you have had on our lives is beyond words. We love you Brooklyn and can't imagine our life without you in it. You are my beautiful girl always and forever!

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