Jake Oliver my boy you are two years old, two! Your into your third year of life and I can't believe it but so happy for each year I get to spend with you. You make me so happy to call you mine! Jake at two years old...
1. Jake is a good helper. Jake helps to clean whenever we are putting anything away. If we are loading food, cars, Lego, etc. into the bins he is right beside us helping us clean up our house. Jake is a good little helper that is so willing to help all he can to his parents.
2. Jake puts himself down for naps. I ended naps after Brooklyn was born because it was just getting to difficult with a baby feeding schedule and toddler naps. I couldn't stop feeding Brooklyn so the naps stopped. Jake just started going to Daddy's bed and cuddling up and putting himself to sleep whenever he is tired. It makes it very convenient for this Mommy. Thank you boy!
3. Jake opens up doors. Jake is tall enough to open doors on his own now, thank goodness for child locks. We have had to child proof way more with Jake then we did with his older sister. Jake you are to smart for your own good!
4. Jake is very adventurous on playgrounds. We get comments from other parents at parks when they see Jake running around, climbing up playground equipment and going down slides acting way older then his age. Yes he has no fear when it comes to playgrounds or the outdoors, this boy is way to adventurous.
5. Jake starts to grab his own food. The bottom shelf in our pantry is just full of random little snacks such as crackers, granola bars, fruit snacks, etc. Since Jake can open doors by himself now he will go and grab himself some snacks when he is hungry and it makes life for Mom just that much easier.
6. Jake loves to act like Spot. The Good Dinosaur came out and Jake has found a second love. Baymax of course is still his favorite but Arlo and Spot have made there way right to the top too. Jake is our little Spot and occasionally we may just call him Spot, our little crazy boy!
7. Jake loves the swing. Jake is always trying to get up in the baby swing or in the walker. Its built in toys! I don't think he likes the idea that Brooklyn gets to swing a lot and he doesn't get to. If only we could have a swing in the house ;)
8. Jake is talking more and more. Jake is really picking up on words and he surprises me daily. Between asking for things, telling us what he wants to do or even what to watch this kid is picking up on his vocabulary.
9. Jake is getting so big. At Jake's two year check up he weighed 28 pounds (50%) and 34 3/4 inches tall (60%). He is pretty average in size right now with a small head at 35%. Jake is wearing size 4 diapers and wearing mostly 24month/2T clothes. This boy is growing far to quickly. He is still obsess about his juice and fruit snacks and doesn't really hate anything, except maybe cold things.
Jake you are our amazing little boy and we love all your craziness. You make each day so enjoyable and very surprising on what will happen next. You bring so much joy to our home and we would not be the same without you right here in our lives. We love you Jake Oliver!