Saturday, March 19, 2016

Andie 3 Years 9 Months

Andie is three years nine months old and continues to say the funniest things ever as she discovers the world around her. Oh the things toddlers say, I wish I would of tracked better. Andie at 3 years 9 months...

1. Andie likes a clean house. Andie will cry and tell Mom that she needs the house to be cleaned and I should do it. Andie likes a clean house but hates to clean it herself. Oh girl we have a problem with that because I like clean houses too but you make such a mess along with your brother. So funny!

2. Andie wants her own YouTube channel. Andie watches so much YouTube with toy reviews, play dough making and even following people's lives (faves right now are daily bumps). Andie started to make her own little YouTube videos pretending she has a camera and it's the cutest thing. Maybe if I was better at editing or had a good camera I would make videos with this girl, definitely has the entertainment for it!

3. Andie LOVES tortilla pizza. Every meal Andie wants to make tortilla pizzas to eat. Hey at least she is eating something instead of nothing!

4. Andie loves playgrounds. ALL THE TIME this girl is asking to go to playgrounds and now that it's getting warmer we are going daily to some sort of playground. Hey at least it's good exercise for Andie and her brother.

5. Andie is excited about Jesus and Taylor to come again. With the celebration of Taylor's 4th birthday we were able to really talk to Andie about her cousin Taylor being with Jesus. I am glad we can teach Andie how special her cousin truly is!

6. Andie is obsessed about linking her IPad to the TV. As if it's not enough to watch YouTube on the IPad on her own, she has to link to the TV for all of us to watch with her. I know so much about different toys or people's lives. Even I get hooked on to see what you is in the hidden egg. Oh Andie you never make for a dull moment!

7. Andie loves to dance. Andie is always wanting music on and clearing off the fireplace to dance on. I hope one day to add her into dance classes or gymnastics or something, she would love it! Andie also loves her dresses or skirts because they are better to dance in, ALL girls know that ;)

8. Andie loves to colour. Andie is our little artist always so proud of her drawings not having any idea that her Mom and Dad are FAR MORE proud of her abilities. 

Andie Noelle we love you so much. I can't believe how old your getting, how mature your getting, how your turning into this amazing young little lady. You make me so proud to call you mine forever. I love you my baby girl!

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