Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Our Second GIRL

I have been looking forward to my first doctors appointment for what feels like forever, probably because it has been forever! Finally on July 8th (almost 20 weeks) I had my first appointment with Doctor Yamashiro, love that doctor of mine :) As soon as they called my name I felt so welcome. The MA remembered me from the last two pregnancies and even Yamashiro was sitting right there as soon as we walked in ready to greet us, AMAZING! They were a little amazed to realize I was half way again (just like with Andie, must be a girl thing).

Yamashiro listened for a heartbeat and found one right away and jokingly said it was twins, um no! Everything looks good for baby thus far but I hadn't gotten an ultrasound or blood work yet so time will tell basically is what was stated. They are a little concerned as my blood pressure is on borderline and I am trying for a VBAC this time around so I guess we will see what happens.

I was sent down to do my blood work, ouch! I always make them draw from my hand but the tech was very insistent to go into my arm, digging hurts. Of course I bruised like a peach but what else can be expected from that.

I scheduled my ultrasound for the soonest available appointment, the next morning! I excitedly went to my ultrasound appointment and was on time. I told Zachary there is two appointments a pregnant women will never be late to, gender reveal and delivery. Am I right? As soon as I walked into the room they asked if I wanted to know the gender, YES!

We are having a girl, I was right, 100% for mother instinct on all my kiddos thus far. Brooklyn Riley will be joining our family hopefully in November, I really don't want a December baby (sorry if your birthday is in December Brooklyn). Everything looked perfect on our little girl except they were concerned with the heart pictures they got so we have another ultrasound scheduled for August. Why do my kids have to scare me with their hearts (sounds funny when I write it out).

I love my Brooklyn Riley so much already and I can't wait to hold her in my arms :)

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