Thursday, October 13, 2016

Jake 2 Years 6 Months

Jake is already two and a half years old, half way to three, WHAT? Jake you are growing far to quickly for my liking how can it be that you have already grown six months since your birthday. Jake at two and a half years old...

1. Jake loves to clean up, I would call it actually a love hate relationship. Jake loves to use lysol wipes to wipe down anything and everything when it comes to wiping down the house. To bad Jake doesn't thing the same thing about a clean house when it comes to his pile of toys.

2. Jake loves chocolate sandwiches, nutella. Jake has had the same obsession as his big sister probably because they were both just introduced to the yummy goodness and it is such an easy lunch.

3. Jake is having a hard time with Andie gone. Since Andie started school this past month and gets to be out of the house for a couple of hours a couple days a week, Jake isn't a fan that he can't come along. We might have to start Jake up for 3 year old preschool next year. Jake had such a hard time the first week and would cry after leaving Andie both out of jealousness and out of fright that we had left his sister. Sibling love!

4. Jake knows movie characters more then any little boy I have ever known. Jake will recognize voices, songs, quotes and know what movie or character that it is in. I don't know if this is a bad thing but hey when you come from a movie loving family I think this is a pretty amazing skill.

5. Jake isn't a fan of nursery. Jake has been having such a hard time with nursery and we aren't even sure why, maybe if they had a TV haha (this is a joke). Jake has asked more then once to stay in the van while we go to church or to even take his iPad in with him, should I be worried? Jake is such a funny little boy and I love him so much.

6. Jake gets so frustrated when Brooklyn doesn't understand him. Jake loves playing with his baby sister now that she is crawling and moving around more, the only sad part is that Jake gets so frustrated when Brooklyn won't follow such simple directions like come here. Poor guy is having such a hard time but just wait a few more months Jake and you will wish that she wasn't able to listen to you.

7. Jake has the cutest run EVER! When Jake runs he has this running hop thing going on and I can't help but smile as he quickly run hops all around. I love my baby boy so much!

8. Jake knows his body names. I get surprised when my kids know all these things and I don't teach them it. Jake was telling us one day about his ear, eyes, hair, stomach, etc and I was shocked that he knew all these body parts. Jake is such a smart guy and everyday he surprises me with all that he knows.

9. Jake chose his own Halloween costume. I am so excited for Jake to experience Halloween and other holidays this year as he is getting older. I showed Jake a few different options for costumes and of course he had to pick "Me" (Jake from the Neverland Pirates). I am so excited to see Jake dressed up as Jake, not Jake from state farm (haha).

Jake Oliver you are such an amazing little boy and I can't get enough of your energy but sweet personality always caring for all of those around you. You have a heart of gold but also mixed with some evil which makes you a perfect boy. I love all of you so much and I love watching you grow! Love you my Jakey boy!

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